英语口语学习资料美剧台词 《friends》第一季第二十四集.doc

英语口语学习资料美剧台词 《friends》第一季第二十四集.doc

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美剧台词 《friends》第一季第二十四集 124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out [Scene: Central Perk, the whole gang is there, Ross is showing pictures of his new baby boy, Ben, to the group.] Ross: And heres little Ben nodding off... Monica: Awww, look at Aunt Monicas little boy! Phoebe: Oh, look, hes got Rosss haircut! Rachel: Oh, let me see! (grabs picture) Oh, God, is he just the sweetest thing? You must just want to kiss him all over! (Ross is practically drooling over Rachel at this point.) Ross: (quietly) That would be nice. (Chandler, annoyed with Rosss fawning, makes a pfft noise.) Rachel: Pardon? Chandler: Nothing, just a little extra air in my mouth. Pffft. Pffffffft. (walks over to where Joey is seated) (Joey is looking at his check.) Joey: Hey, Chan, can you help me out here? I promise Ill pay you back. Chandler: Oh, yeah, right, OK... inlcuding the waffles last week, you now owe me... 17 jillion dollars. Joey: I will, really. Ill pay you back this time. Chandler: (sigh)... And wheres this money coming from? (gives money to Joey) Joey: Well... Im helping out down at the N.Y.U. Med School with some... research. Ross: (overhearing) What kind of research? Joey: Oh, just, yknow.... science. Ross: Science. Yeah, I think Ive heard of that. (everyones interest is piqued, they all look over) Joey: (sigh)... Its a fertility study. (Rachel laughs.) Monica: Oh, Joey, please tell me youre only donating your time. Joey: Alright, come on you guys, its not that big a deal. Really... I mean, I just go down there every other day and... make my contribution to the project. Hey, hey, but at the end of two weeks, I get seven hundred dollars. Ross: Hey. Phoebe: Wow, ooh, youre gonna be making money hand over fist! Opening Credits [Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica and Phoebe are preparing for a barbecue for Rachels birthday.] Monica: OK, we got the cole slaw, we got the buns... Phoebe: Weve got the ground-up flesh of formerly cute cows and turkeys, ew... (hands meat to Monica) (Chandler and Joe



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