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美文欣赏:静下心来深呼吸 你的生活中有太多重要的事情需要你去料理,但是如果你静下心来放松,好好地对待自己,你会发现这几分钟的放松可以为你带来巨大的收益。 Hi, welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. I’m Faith. Its very easy to forget to relax during our hectic days and nights, during the time when were constantly trying to get things done. So many of us are spending so much time on our jobs and our extra tasks in life that we tend to forget to slow down and reassess what were doing and why. So take a deep, slow breath. No, really--go ahead. Take a deep, slow breath, taking in as much air as you can as slowly as you can. Feel your lungs fill, and then hold the breath for five to ten seconds. Let your breath out slowly, feeling the stress leave your body as you exhale. The hurry and the stress can ride out of your body and mind in the air that you breathe out, and if you can allow your mind to focus on the breathing, you can slow down those thoughts that are running around in your mind at about a million miles an hour. Take in another deep breath, slowly and surely. Hold it for five to ten seconds, and then exhale slowly…slowly…slowly… There are many important things in your life that you need to take care of, but if you take the time to relax and treat yourself well, you will find that these few minutes of relaxation can provide a huge benefit for you. So take another deep breath, very slowly, and hold it in. Release it slowly and feel the tension leave your body with the air. If you do this ten to fifteen times, youll find yourself feeling energized, relaxed, andin a more positive state of mind. 迎收听Faith轻松电台,我是Faith。 当你在特别兴奋的日日夜夜里时,或当我们长期地处于紧张地工作中时,你会很难想起去放松一下。我们中的许多人把生命中的大部分时间都分配到工作,任务中去,以至于总是忘记了暂时放慢一下脚步,去想一想我们正在做的事情,并问一问自己为什么。 现在,做一下深呼吸。不,真正的深呼吸,快来吧。深深地,慢慢地呼吸,尽量慢,尽量吸入更多的空气。感觉到你的肺部被空气充满,屏住呼吸5到10秒。 慢慢地释放空气,当你呼气时,感觉到压力正从你体内被释放出去。紧张和压力伴随着你呼出的空气从你身体和思想中飘出,如果你能集中精神做深呼吸,你就可以将缠绕在你脑中的凡尘琐事抛到九霄云外。 做第二次深呼吸,慢慢地,实在地。屏住呼吸5到10秒,慢慢地呼气,慢慢地…慢慢地…慢慢地… 你的生活中有太多重要的事情需要你去料理,但是如果你静下心来放松,好好地对待自己,你会发现这几分钟的放松可以为你带来巨大的收益。 再做一次深呼吸,非常缓慢地,屏住它。慢地释放它,感觉到压力正随着空气飘出你的身


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