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CHAPTER 1An Overview of Financial Management Career Opportunities Issues of the New Millennium Forms of Businesses Goals of the Corporation Agency Relationships Career Opportunities in Finance Money and capital markets Investments Financial management Responsibility of the Financial Staff Maximize stock value by: Forecasting and planning Investment and financing decisions Coordination and control Transactions in the financial markets Managing risk Role of Finance in a Typical Business Organization Financial Management Issues of the New Millennium The effect of changing technology The globalization of business Percentage of Revenue and Net Income from Overseas Operations for 10 Well-Known Corporations, 2001 Alternative Forms of Business Organization Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation Sole proprietorships Partnerships Advantages Ease of formation Subject to few regulations No corporate income taxes Disadvantages Difficult to raise capital Unlimited liability Limited life Corporation Advantages Unlimited life Easy transfer of ownership Limited liability Ease of raising capital Disadvantages Double taxation Cost of set-up and report filing Financial Goals of the Corporation The primary financial goal is shareholder wealth maximization, which translates to maximizing stock price. Do firms have any responsibilities to society at large? Is stock price maximization good or bad for society? Should firms behave ethically? Is stock price maximization the same as profit maximization? No, despite a generally high correlation amongst stock price, EPS, and cash flow. Current stock price relies upon current earnings, as well as future earnings and cash flow. Some actions may cause an increase in earnings, yet cause the stock price to decrease (and vice versa). Agency relationships An agency relationship exists whenever a principal hires an agent to act on their behalf. Within a corporation, agency relationships exist between: Shareholders and managers Shareholders and c
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