
河南中医学院管理学课件第五章 控制.ppt

河南中医学院管理学课件第五章 控制.ppt

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从小到大无数次应对各种考试,人们都知道60分是及格线,100分比较难,而90分是个可以引以为傲的分数了。 工作中也是如此,很多人认为:把工作做到60%太危险会被公司炒鱿鱼,做到100%太辛苦,做到90%就很不错了。 然而,工作的过程是由一个个细微环节串联而成,每个环节都以上一个环节为基础,各环节间相互影响的关系是以乘法为基准最终产生结果,而不是百分比的简单叠加。 环环相扣的一系列过程结束后,“很不错”的90分最终带来的结果是59分--一个不及格的分数,一个会被激烈竞争环境淘汰的分数。 这就是过程控制效应。 而到了这个时候,再回过头来按照100%的标准进行“检修”,就可能意味着整个项目、整个工程都需要“推倒重来”,意味着时间和资源的浪费,意味着效率低下和时机错失,意味着先前的努力可能付诸东流。   于是,90%×90%×90%×90%×90%=59%这个简单的等式,在数学之外的意义就是: 执行过程不打折! 本章内容 第一节 控制目标与类型 第二节 制定控制标准 第三节 衡量实际工作 第四节 鉴定偏差并采取矫正措施 控制工作的3个步骤 鉴定偏差并采取矫正措施 找出产生偏差的主要原因 确定矫正措施实施的对象 选择适当的矫正措施 有效控制的原则 确定可接受的偏差范围 Because employees will attempt to excel at those activities that are measured, what managers measure is probably more critical to the control process than how it is measured. Most control systems measure information, operations, finances, or people. Some control activities are generic: for example, measuring turnover or absenteeism and keeping costs within budgetary constraints. However, any comprehensive system of controls must recognize that managerial control activities are diverse. Marketing managers, for example, may measure market share and average dollar volume of sales. On the other hand, production managers may measure quantity of units produced per day or scrap per unit of output. Some activities, however, are difficult to quantify, such as the performance of a research chemist or elementary school teacher. Even so, managers must determine what value a person, department, or unit contributes to the organization and then convert the contribution into standards. When managers attempt to mold individuals by guiding their learning in graduated steps, they are shaping behavior. Managers shape behavior by systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves an employee closer to the desired response. Methods of Shaping Behavior. Behavior can be shaped in four ways: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, and extinction. Following a response with something ple



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