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摘 要
上世纪三十年代,国民政府为发展近代工业,完善国防,曾积极筹建大型中 央钢铁厂,欲图实现钢铁自给的目标。此项计划最初由实业部主持,选址安徽马 鞍山,因厂址靠近首都而命名为中央钢铁厂。后来因抗战局势的发展和国民党内 部派系的争权斗争而流产。资源委员会成立后,开始接手中央钢铁厂的筹建工作, 厂址另选在湖南湘潭下摄司,因采取国营方式而继称为中央钢铁厂,该厂开工建 设一年多,最终还是因为抗战局势的发展而搁浅。这两个中央钢铁厂虽然不是同 一个,但它们之间存在前后继承的关系,二者的建厂思路及原则是一致的。在当 时国力匮乏,资金、技术人才储备都严重缺乏的情况下建设大型钢铁厂,采取的 思路都是国营原则,将这耗资大、建设周期长的项目置于国家的创设经营之下, 集中国家的力量来举办。另外,为解决资金技术人才的难题,两个中央钢铁厂皆 采取引进外力的方针,与德国合作而开展,利用德国的借款、人才及设备,采取 中德合办的方式进行。两个中央钢铁厂虽都最终未能建成投产,但这个过程中反 映出了国民政府为建设近代工业而进行的努力,为中国与外国合作建设现代国营 重工业提供了可借鉴的经验教训。钢铁厂虽然未能建成,但整个过程却为中国积 累了丰富的经验,培养了一批钢铁技术人才,为后来新中国的建设事业贡献了力 量。
During the period of Republic China, in order to develop modern industry, improve the national defense, Nanjing National Government had been actively preparing for the construction of large Central Iron and Steel Plant, people wishing to reach self-sufficiency in steel. Initially, it was chaired by the Ministry of Industry, sitting MAANSHAN, due to the site near the capital, named for the Central Iron and Steel Plant. But later, the Anti-Japanese war developed rapidly, and factional struggle within the KMT and abortion. After the Resources Committee established, it took over the power to get the preparation work for construction of steel plant, the site changed into Xiangtan in Hunan. It named as the Central Iron and Steel Plant, because the plant took by the country strength. The plant started construction more than a year, then the construction stopped, because the Anti-Japanese War developed so rapidly. Although these two central iron and steel plants were not the same, they had many relationships. The Xiangtan Central Iron and Steel plant succeeded the MAANSHAN plant. The ideas and principles took by these two Central Iron and Steel Plants were the same. At that time, our country lacked funds, technical personnel reserve. In order to overcome these difficulties, it took the ideas of state principle. In addition, in order to solve lacking of funds and technical personnel problems, bot
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