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I I 摘 要 摘 要 民国时期是一个除旧迎新、风起云涌的时代,各种变革充斥着社会的每个角落。受 欧风美雨的不断洗礼和五四新文化运动的影响,知识女性的自我意识开始觉醒,她们通 过放足、剪发、社交、就业来反抗封建旧礼教长期以来的压迫。随着女性受教育程度的 提高、经济的独立和择偶标准发生变化,更多的知识女性开始追求恋爱自由、婚姻自主, 她们已不再心甘情愿地接受父母的包办婚姻,自由恋爱的呼声越来越高,这就与当时的 社会状况产生了矛盾,当她们的这些诉求无法被满足的时候,独身行为作为一种反抗方 式就随之出现了。20 世纪上半叶,一些倡导独身的个人和团体相继出现,引起社会各界 的广泛关注。 围绕知识女性的独身行为,社会各界褒贬不一,总体来说,反对之声大于赞扬之声。 独身行为的确是当时社会环境下知识女性对黑暗旧社会的反抗,但这种方式未免有些极 端和激进,并不是个人发展的捷径,也不是改造社会的良药,社会的发展仅靠女性独身 行为是无法实现的。独身女性需要社会给予更多的关怀和救赎,所以保障已婚妇女职业、 提倡婚恋自由以及合理解决子女的抚养问题,是解决知识女性独身问题的根本途径。只 有社会不断进步和发展,给予女性更多的权利和政策保障,才能从根本上提高女性的地 位,使女性真正实现“人”的价值。 关键词 女子独身现象 原因 论争 解决途径 II II Abstract Abstract Republic of China is an period to ring out the old and ring in the new, and in the times a variety of revolution filled with every corner of society. Influenced by the constant baptism of European, American ideology and the New Culture Movement on May 4th, the intellectual womens self-consciousness was awaken. They through put full, cut, social, employment to oppose the feudal moral codes for long time of oppression. More and more women received higher education, got economic independence and changed the standard of mate selection, while these factors urge numerous female intellectuals to search for free love. The more intellectual women began to pursue free love, marriage, independent, They were no longer willing to accept arranged marriages by their parents, but when their appeal cannot be satisfied, then the singleness generated. In the first half of 20th century, some individuals and groups that advocated bachelordom appeared in succession, which caused the wide attention from all sectors of society. Around the singleness of intellectual women, there is a mixted reaction in society with good ones and bad ones. In general, the voice of opposition is louder than the one of praise. Single behavior is indeed the resistance of intellectual women to the dark old society in that social environment, but this way is somewhat extreme and radical, not a shorcut to personal development, nor a go



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