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PAGE PAGE III 因为它为保持不受现实原则支配而付出的代价是在现实中无能为力的。但是,审 美的价值标准可能在美化和提高文化的生活中发挥作用。由于理论理性和实践理 性构塑了操作原则的世界,但审美原则有否定操作原则的作用。马尔库塞认为审 美是反现实的,它承受着现实的压抑,为了消除这种压抑,需证明快乐、感性、 美丽、艺术、自由之间存在着内在的联系。这一审美保存了感觉的真理,并在自 由的现实中调和了人的高级机能和低级机能、感性与知性、快乐与理性。 不可否认,马尔库塞的爱欲思想有严重的乌托邦色彩,但他的批判是针对西 方现代化进程中所出现的问题而提出的,并且在很多方面提出了自己的解决之 法。毫无疑问,这些于我国的和谐社会建设来说具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词: 马尔库塞;异化;爱欲;审美 PAGE PAGE IV Abstract Herbert Marcuses philosophy, with interl logic,is self-contained. ‘Eros liberation’ is the ma in line of his ideology which is running through his “socia l critica l theor y ” and “aesthetic theor y”. The central focus of Marcuses philosophy is huma n being, his philosophica l thinking operation has always been around how peoples happy life ma y be possible . He existential nature of ma n definition, concer ned about the fate of the individ ual and situation, the pursuit of persona l autonomy, spontaneity, creativity, and he thinks peoples liberation is not a ma terial - technical aspects of liberation, but the people survival - there is t he liberation level. Marcuse is the Freud of huma n history, the histor y of sexuality being repressed on the basis of the argument was further argued, the continuation and extension of the sex concept, put forward its ero tic theory, that Eros includes not only sex, but also appetite, rest and recreation, and other certain desire is to be happy living organisms desire is sexual desire in the quantity and quality on the further development. Eross activities encompass all huma n activities. It is from this desire in ma ny forms, generated by desire for materia l things lively (and all the spirit of the performa nce of) desire. In the implementation of Eros, from the love of ones physica l body to love others, to love the work of beauty and pleasure of love, and fina lly to the know ledge of the love of beauty, but a full rise line. Its socia l critica l theory, advanced industria l societ y by revea ling the essence of ma n - Eros of depression, resulting in th



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