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中华传统文化源远流长、博大精深,是华夏民族在数千年的文明发展历程中所形成的 思想结晶,而自古便历代相承的庞大数量的文化典籍,则是其主要载体。以此为基础,千 百年来的读书人逐渐形成了经典研究及诵读的文化传统,并成为古代中国最为重要的教育 活动之一。及至晚清以降,在西方资本主义列强入侵的外来强烈冲击下,中国被迫走上了 “后发外生”型的近代化道路,开始了社会转型。这种历史巨变亦使传统教育受到波及, 以科举制为核心的古代教育制度被废除,古典教育宗旨、教育形式、教育内容等要素或退 出历史舞台,或发生蜕变。其中,曾是古代经典诵读及启蒙教育主要形式的儿童读经,随 着近代学校体系的建立逐渐演变为小学读经活动,并于民国时期在争议声中艰难存续、时 起时伏。这段历史不仅反映出社会转型对传统文化教育的巨大影响,亦对当代中国如何开 展传统文化教育极具启示意义,因而颇有开展系统性研究的必要性。
本论文试从教育学、历史学、文化学等多学科视角出发,综合运用历史分析法、文献 分析法、个案研究法等研究方法,从社会转型对传统文化教育产生的影响着手,结合社会 转型的相关理论,以民国时期小学读经活动为研究对象,深入分析这一时段小学读经活动 的历史背景、演进历程及学术研讨,以及其中隐含的深层次影响因素,进而在结合目前中 国小学传统文化教育现实状况的基础上,为当代以读经为代表的小学传统文化教育的发展 提出具体建议,以其为学校体系下的中国传统文化教育持续进步提供新的理论研究与实践 思路。
The evolution of the primary school reading activities of the Republic of China
Chinese traditional culture has a long and profound history,it is the Chinese nation that produced mind in thousands of years of civilization ,and it is the main carrier that has huge amount of literature since ancient times.On this basis, thousands of years of cultural scholar gradually formed a research and reading of classic and has become one of Chinas most important educational activities antiquity. Until the late Qing Dynasty, under the strong impact of foreign invasion of Western capitalist powers, China was forced to embark on the modernization of the road latecomer exogenous type, started social transformation. This history also changes the traditional education that has been affected to the ancient imperial examination system as the core of the education system was abolished, the classical aims of education, forms of education, educational content and so on ,or exit the stage of history, or happen metamorphosis.Among them, child reading is the major forms of once the ancient classical reading and elementary education, with the establishment of the modern school system evolved into the primary school reading activity, and it had the difficult existence and ups and downs in the period of the rep
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