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万方数据 万方数据 二、 西迁高校为当地教师开设培训课 26 第二节 帮助提升西南地区新式国文教师的教学经验 27 一、 “工具性”与“人文性”的并重 28 二、教师:“导儿学步”教学方法 30 三、阅读、写作:“切近现代青年的现实生活” 32 结 语 34 参考文献 36 后 记 42 学位论文原创性声明和关于学位论文使用授权的声明 43 摘 要 五四运动以来,新文学从许多高校出发,得到了很好的传播,当时很 多知名的新文化倡导者、新文学作家都积极介入高校以及中小学国文教学 领域,使得民国初期的新文学教育取得了一定的成就。然而当时高校基本 上全部集中在北平、上海等东部地区,因而新文学教育所取得的成就也是 局部的。伴随着“七七”卢沟桥事变的爆发,中国进入漫长残酷八年抗日 战争时期,中国高等教育面临着生与死的抉择,为了延续和保护中国教育 文化的命脉,各大高校被迫陆续大规模的西迁。虽然过程惨烈,但是这一 所谓的“文化长征”却给原本教育落后的西南地区带来了先进的文化科学 技术,对西南地区教育事业的发展起着极大的促进作用。随着高校、知识 分子的大量迁入,也改变了西南地区新文学基础教育之面貌。众多西迁高 校开设了师范学院,举办基础师资培训课,为西南地区培养了大量的新式 国文教师。随高校西迁而来的众多名师大家们纷纷涉足附近中小学教育, 传播新文学知识,并且帮助指导学生们创建校园文艺社团。面对西南地区 国文基础教育之落后现象,他们还为此各抒己见,用先进的教育思想指导 着这里的国文教师。从而使得新文学基础教育在西南地区发芽开花。 关键词:抗战高校西迁;西南地区;新文学基础教育;发展 I ABSTRACT Since the May Fourth movement, the Neo-literature spread better based on many colleges. At that time, many well-known new culture advocators and neo-literature writers were actively involved in colleges, primary and middle schools’ Chinese teaching filed, which made the new literature education in the early of the republic of China obtained certain achievement. However, at that time, almost all colleges concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai and other eastern regions, so the achievement of the neo-literature education had some limitations. With the breakout of the Lukouqiao Incident, China entered a long eight-year stage of the Anti-Japan War, and Chinese higher education experienced a critical moment of living or death. In order to continue and protect the lifeblood of the Chinese education culture, the turbulent situation compelled the colleges in the east and middle of China to transfer to the west of China successively. Although the process was bitter, the so-called “long-march-culture” had brought advanced science and technology into the southwest where the education was backward, be conductive to developing the education in southwest China. With the mass migration of the colleges and intellectuals, the face of neo-literature foundation education in s



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