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Abs仃actIn Abs仃act In recently years,multi—type of the social organization,stakeholders and life style are bringing more and more social conflicts and crimes.In addition to traditional types of crime,some new types of crimes which make a large effect also can be found.Homosexuality is one of the crimes. From sexual orientation,homosexuality is the action to the same sex.Homosexuality crime is committed by the gay or other related.The involved person in homosexuality crime is particular,and criminal means is cruel,it have strong premeditation and invisibility. The intrinsic reasons of the homosexuality crimes are psychological needs failed, wrong cognition of the sexual psychological role and character structures defects etc.And these reasons are decisive.The influence mainly derive from the wrong content and methods of education in the family and school,the discrimination in society and the subculture. How to prevent homosexuality crime comprehensively and effectively is a complex engineering project,it needs our society to make a joint effort and act together,then build a complete preventative system which involve society prevention,preventative public order,preventative legi slation and Individual prevention to solve this problem in a comprehensive way. H cause cause of criminality;prevention of Ⅲ 目录摘要 目录 摘要 I Abstract.......................................................................................................】[ 引言 l 第一章同性恋犯罪概述 。3 第一节同性恋现象及其含义 ..3 第二节 同性恋犯罪的概念界定 .5 第三节 同性恋犯罪的特点分析 .j 一8 第二章 同性恋犯罪的原因分析 1 O 第一节同性恋犯罪的内在原因 .10 第二节同性恋犯罪的外在原因 19 第三章同性恋犯罪预防 。25 第一节社会预防 .25 第二节治安预防。 一29 第三节立法预防 .3 1 第四节个体预防 ..37 结语 .39 参考文献 40 附录 .42 后记 .43 论犯罪学视野下的同性恋犯罪己I吉 论犯罪学视野下的同性恋犯罪 己I吉 J l 口 改革开放后,我国社会进入了一个以经济体制改革为先导,以计 划经济向市场经济过渡为核心,以及由此而带来的社会生活领域的各 种大变动,传统社会向现代社会转型的时期。国民经济迅速发展,人 们生活水平日益提高,综合国力不断增强。但随着社会组织、利益主 体、生活方式的多元化,各种社会矛盾和冲突凸现出来,犯罪问题也 严重起来。除传统的犯罪类型外,还出现了一些影响较大的新的犯罪 类型,同性恋犯罪就是其中的一种。 同性恋作为一类特殊人群的生活方式,近年来越来越受到社会广 泛关注,涉及同性恋犯罪的现象也屡见不鲜。同性恋犯罪包括同性恋 者犯罪和因同性恋而导致的其他相关犯罪,具有严



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