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3 SAY To talk about this needs some body parts......... 4 SAY head, hands and heart 5 6 ASK whether they have come across other attitudes. DRAW OUT The cynic, can be dangerous if not handled appropriately. ASK how they would deal with him.Specifically DISCUSS. (Often splitting into subgroups helps the cynic find a role - passing on his experience to others. Set him up that way and then don patrol that group as much as you do the others) TRANSITION with another way of deflecting the cynic - competence 7 8 Write this on a Flipchart 9 WRITE UP: The remainder ASK: Now that is perfectly clear isn it? EXPECT: Puzzled looks SAY: This looks like the Philosophy section of the programme! Let me explain with an example ASK: How old are children here when they learn to tie their shoelaces? ACCEPT: Any age that participants seem to agree on. The age doesn matter. Usually it is Four SAY: I want you to imagine a child aged three and a half . The child is crying as it is falling over because its shoe laces are undone. It is not conscious of the problem and anyhow couldn fix it because it is too young(Unconscious incompetence) Next, the child one day before its fourth birthday is crying more loudly; it now knows what the problem is but is frustrated because it can fix it (Conscious incompetence) One day after its fourth birthday, with a lot of effort ,the child can tie its laces (Conscious competence) ASK SOMEONE WEARING SHOES WITH LACES: Describe to us how you tied your shoes this morning. EXPECT DIFFICULTIES; Break in quickly to say to say person has been tying shoe laces for many years & now totally unconscious CONTINUED 10 CONTINUED And is operating by habit. Habits are about repeating previous behaviour which we judge to be successful. We have some good habits and some bad. The only way we can start to fix the bad habits is by becoming conscious of them; going down a level on the chart; and then returning back to work hopefully with a higher level of competencie


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