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英语教案wash,my,face幼儿 篇一:幼儿园英语公开课教案 weather 一,Greeting 1.Hello, goodafternoon, kids. 2. Say hello to your daddy and mommy. 二.Warm up T:How is the weather today? It#39;s sunny day, rainy day, cloudy day, or windy day? 边说边做动作 T: very good. Let#39;s dance, together, okay? Follow me. Music , please. 翻卡片游戏 eating reading writing watching TV Jump to the card , run to the card , fly to the card 翻出卡片的小朋友奖励stickers Next 亲子游戏(My body) When melody say eyes, 下朋友要和爸爸妈妈碰碰眼睛 10 人一组, 5parents ,5 kids Then 所有的小朋友两人一组, 相互碰碰nose, eyes, knees, mouth The last game is 找水果 Pineapplewatermelon strawberrypapaya 每样水果有三张,找的多的小朋友获胜 Melody anthem(律动) Follow up: 1.向家长和配班老师表示感谢 2.发放学生的奖品以及成绩报告书 篇二:幼儿园中班英语教案 幼儿园中班英语教案--《Happy birthday》 活动内容:学习生日聚会歌曲及用语、单词 活动目标: 1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“??for you.”的含义。 2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。 活动准备: 排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件 活动过程: 一、Greeting 1、Teacher and children say “Hello!” “Good morning!”each other. 2、Teacher and children sing《Nice to see you》together. 二、Review T and C read the rhyme《Horse》. 三、Learn. 1、T and C watch TV of Birthday party.“Where is it?”“Yes,it’s dog’s house.”T come in the house, “Oh,This is a TV.Let’s watch TV,OK?” 2、T and one child show together. T: “Hello,I’m cat.Today is dog’s birthday,I’ll go to this party.” T: “Ding-Dong!” C: “What is it?” T: “I’m cat.” C: “Come in, please.” T: “Happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.” T1: “Thank you.” 3、C learn “cake” “gift” “card”. 幼儿边玩边尝试个别输出; I see ?.; 中班英语公开课教案:Happy Day 目标: 1、能与同伴愉快地游戏活动,大胆地展示自己的长处。 2、复习所学的歌曲及句型。 过程: 1、起床。 幼儿躺在各处做睡觉状,老师开始学鸡叫,并说:“Get up ,kids !”。幼儿起床后唱《 Goodmorning 》。 2、去幼儿园。 T:Now ,let’s go to the kindergarten ! How did you get there ? S: Drive a car / Row a boat。《Drive a car》边唱边走到座位前坐好。 3、表示对客人的欢迎。 T:Hey, boys and girls look! Today there are many


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