
Early childhood studies A multiprofessional perspective 早期儿童研究的多元视角.pdf

Early childhood studies A multiprofessional perspective 早期儿童研究的多元视角.pdf

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“A celebration of the tremendous strides made towards the achievement of a multiprofessional early years workforce, and a challenge to those responsible for training the next generation of professionals… Students and trainers, e policy makers and practitioners have a duty to be knowledgeable, to be able a to reflect on their beliefs and practice and to articulate concerns, share their r l views, convey their enthusiasm and act as advocates for young children. y c This book will help them do just that.” LESLEY ABBOTT OBE, MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, UK h early childhood i arly Childhood Studies critically engages the reader in issues that l relate to young children and their lives from a multiprofessional d E h perspective. Whilst offering a theoretically rigorous treatment of issues relating to early childhood studies, the book also provides practical o studies discussion of strategies that could inform multiprofessional practice. It o draws upon case studies to help the reader make practical sense of d theoretical ideas and develop a critical and reflective attitude. Hard and a multiprofessional perspective pressing questions are asked so that beliefs, ideas, views and assumptions s about notions of the child and childhood are constantly critiqued and t reframed for the postmodern world. u



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