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《出版與管理研究》 Journal of Publishing and Management 第一卷第一期 民國九十三月年十二月 Vol.1,No.1 Dec, 2004 頁39~頁59 pp.39~59 連鎖書局差異化行銷策略之研究 于 健 呂甲筆∗ ∗∗ 摘 要 台灣書局產業正逐漸轉為連鎖經營型態,各連鎖書局體系挾其經濟規模 優勢及專業管理之特色發展遍及全台且彼此間競爭激烈。然而隨著消費意識 抬頭,連鎖書局體系齊一式的經營風格使其分店無法滿足地區性消費者之差 異化需求。 本研究使用統計方法,針對台灣某知名加盟式連鎖書局進行個案分析, 將其全台75 家加盟店依地理位置及營業規模區分成都會大、小型店及鄉鎮 大、小型店等四種類型,探究各類型加盟店之經營型態,並針對各類型加盟 店消費者族群及其消費行為行與書局選擇因素研究,驗證連鎖書局體系行銷 策略之適當性。研究發現各類型加盟業者之經營型態相仿,但其目標市場之 消費者特徵、消費行為及書店選擇因素均具差異性。最後,本研究依據結果, 以消費者為導向擬定各類型加盟店之行銷組合以提升連鎖書局之競爭優勢。 關鍵字:連鎖書局、消費者行為、差異化行銷。 ∗南華大學電子商務系助理教授 ∗∗南華大學管理科學研究所 40 《出版與管理研究》第一卷第一期 A Study on the Strategy of Marketing Differentiation Of Book Chain Store Chien Yu∗ Chia Pi Lu∗∗ Abstract The bookstore industry is turning from the traditional small scale business into chain stores type management in Taiwan. The book chain stores take the advantage of economic scale and the competitive managerial characteristic to be blooming in both rural and metropolitan area over the country. However, at the era of consumer orientation marketing, a universal marketing strategy adopted by the book chain store cannot satisfies the versatile demand of customers lived in different location. This paper explores a case study of a famous affiliated book chain store in Taiwan. We apply statistics method to cluster the chain store into four managerial type groups according to the geographical location and the business scale of the store. The marketing strategies adopted by all type groups are analyzed, and the consumer behavior of the customer in every group also investigated to examine the adequacy of the


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