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Unit 5 Giving a Speech 演讲 下 Useful expressions表达 Talk about giving a speech I’m improving改进 my draft I have worries担心 that my audience may find my speech boring and fall asleep I should deliver发表 my speech in an attractive有魅力的 way (Ask for)寻求 advice 忠告 Do you have any ideas about that? Any other advice? Can you give me an example例子? What exactly确切地 should I do? Express表达 opinion 观点 I think In my opinion 观点 (As far as)据… sb/sth be concerned 关心,关于 It might be I suppose 认为,假设 You should remember to keep eye-contact with your audience Make sure that you are talking, not just reciting背诵 your draft If you want to make your presentation vivid生动的, you may use some visual 视觉的aids辅助. Task 5-I Match搭配 the words with their definitions定义 Seminar Religious Inaugurate Manuscript Characteristics To introduce 引入,介绍a new public 公共的official官员 or leader领导 at a special特别的 ceremony 仪式 A book piece of music, etc等等. before it has been printed A class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular特别的 topic主题 A typical典型的 feature 特征or quality性质 that sth/sb has Connected 联系with religion宗教 or with a particular 特别的religion Task 5-II Read the passage文章 and correct 改正the mistakes错误 in the following以下的 sentences. Public 公共,公开的speeches are speeches delivered传递,发送( in public)公开地 for general普遍性的 purpose目的. The speaker演说者 will (have to)必须 appear 看上去to be unfriendly不友好的 to the audience听众. The speaker needn’t use every means方式 to make his speech persuasive说服人的, engaging吸引人的 and convincing令人信服的. Public speeches are strongly强烈地 influenced(被)影响 (过去分词,被动)by the characteristics 特征of the spoken口头的 language. The language used in public speeches is informal非正式的 in style风格, clear and vivid 生动的in tone语调, and persuasive说服人的 in purpose. Public Speaking (1) Public speeches are speeches delivered发表,传递 in public for special特别的 purpose (such as)例如 open class lectures讲座 or seminars研讨 in a university, religious宗教性的 preachings布道 in the churc


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