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Unit 4 Crime 犯罪 Prevention 预防 Task 1-I What will you do if you (happen to)碰巧 witness,目击 any of the following scenes情景? What many NOT be a good thing for you to do in each case? Someone screaming尖叫 or shouting 喊叫for help Someone looking into windows of house and cars parked停车 nearby在附近. Property 财产being (taken out of)拿走 house where no one is at home or from closed 关闭的businesses. Cars, vans小型面包车, or trucks 卡车moving slowing with no apparent明显的 destination目的地 or without light. A stranger陌生人 sitting in a car or stopping to talk to a child and drag拖 him into the car Task 1-II What facilities设施 can we install安装 in our communities社区 to prevent预防 crimes犯罪? How can we encourage鼓励 the neighbors邻居 in the community to (watch out for)小心 crimes? What activities活动 can we organize组织 to spread扩散 the idea of neighborhood社会,邻居 watch? Warning 警告 All activities活动 are recorded 记录to aid 帮助in the prosecution执行 of any crime committed做 against对抗 this facility设施 Criminals 罪犯please register登记 I think we need a more realistic现实的 approach 思路to crime犯罪 prevention预防 Warning 警告 This is a crime watch community We immediately 立刻report all suspicious可疑的 activities to our police department Task 3-I Cheaper更便宜的adj. Crime 犯罪n. Train 培训 v. Enough 足够的/地adj./adv. Kids 孩子 n. Crimes 犯罪 n. Spend 花时间 Forces 强迫 Interested 感兴趣的adj. Per 每个 Bai Mei and Liu Hua are discussing讨论 the reasons理由 for so much crime. Why do you think there is so much (1)? In my opinion观点, our efforts努力 in crime prevention预防 are not good (2) Oh, really? Why do you think so? Parents are too busy to (3) time teaching their kids (right from wrong)辨别好坏. Besides此外, schools seem to be only (4) in all the different exams考试, Especially尤其 the college大学 entrance入门 exams. The worst of all, kids are exposed暴露 to too much violence暴力 on TV. And also on the Internet, there’s little protection保护 for (5) It is said that we don’t have adequate适当的 police (6). But there seem to be policeman everywhere. There’s only one police officer (7)



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