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Unit three community社区 security安全 (下) Task 5-I Situated处于or located位于 nearby (1) All over (1) To arrive or (put in an appearance外表)露脸 (2) To remove 脱离or take somebody or something elsewhere (3) To cause引起 somebody to remember or think of something or somebody else (4) An encouragement 鼓励to someone to do something (4) Requiring要求 no money to be paid付款(6) A native本土的 or long-term长期的 resident 居民of a place (6) Immediately and without delay推迟 (7) A safer community 社区 (1) the Wichita Falls Police Department部分 is trying to help curb压制 crime 犯罪in neighboring相邻的 communities throughout 遍及the city. On Saturday Wichita Falls Police gave a free免费的 two-hour presentation展示 to help locals当地人 keep their community crime free没有. (2) More than 20 people (showed up)出现 at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation. (3) Wichita Falls Police Officer警官 Jeff Hughes said that they wanted to (make sure)确保 the folks人们 out there were aware意识到 they were doing everything to take away the opportunity机会 from a bad guy家伙. (4) Hughes reminded题型 those in attendance出席 that their homes could be an open invitation邀请 to criminals罪犯. One of the biggest ways to prevent预防 crime, (according to)根据 Hughes, is to use CPTED, also known as Crime Prevention预防 Through通过 Environmental环境的 Design设计. (5) “the biggest site网址, that we are (dealing with)处理 now, that we are endorsing支持 fully, is Nextdoor and it’s simply just nextdoor. com. (6) the site is free and it helps locals set up a virtual 虚拟的community that they can interact互动 with from the comfort舒适 of their own home. (7) “with it all happens in a web网页 based基于 program程序 where if you send something out it gets to that group or that person instantly立刻, and they will get an alert警觉on their phone or an email,” said Hughes. (8) According to Hughes, he has already seen a positives积极的 impact影响 locally from the site and hopes it can continue继续 to expand扩展 in Wichita Falls. Task 5-II The Wichita Falls police department i



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