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Prepared by Celeste Prepared by Celeste Chapter 10: Leadership of the IT Function (IT的領導角色) Summarized from: Lynda Applegate, Robert D. Austin, and Deborah L. Soule, Corporate Information Strategy And Management: Text and Cases, McGraw Hill, 8th Edition, 2009. These slides have been modified to meet the teaching needs of the class --- Celeste Ng Four broad roles for IT (IT的角色) Support幫助角色 The role of IT Sustaining current business operations and in shaping future business operations or strategy is relatively limited. (保持當前的業務操作 and塑造未來的業務運營是有限的!) May not be operationally dependent on IT.(公司運作基本上沒有很依賴) Support Typical role of IT in many professional services firms (e.g., law firms and consulting firms). (例如法律顧問專業服務公司) Factory工廠正常運作的角色 IT systems are absolutely critical to current business operations. (IT system對公司的運作有絕對的重要性) Like the Nasdaq Stock Exchangeor PSA (PSA Peugeot Citro?n, car manufacturer), where reliable, zero-defect operation of IT is essential for performing(比如: 納斯達克交易所 and標致汽車製造商 -- 需要零缺陷的IT運作) Core activities核心業務: within the organization and Across the extended business network of customers, supplier, and partners. Factory工廠正常運作的角色 - Nasdaq Source: /TraderB.aspx?id=WorkstationScreenShots Turnaround轉機角色 View IT as a means for business transformation企業轉型的手段. While they are not currently operationally dependent on IT, their IT projects and innovations are intended to exploit emerging strategic opportunities or transform business capabilities. (現在的業務並沒有很依賴IT但是有意圖要利用IT為一個轉型工具,新的戰略機會) Turnaround轉機角色 – legal profession (URL: /sites/bernardmarr/2018/05/23/how-ai-and-machine-learning-are-transforming-law-firms-and-the-legal-sector/#307fb1a532c3 ) Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to transform the legal profession in many ways, but in most cases it augments what humans do and frees them up to take on higher-level tasks such as advising to clients, negotiating deals and appearing in court. (人工智能(AI)開始以多種方式改變法律職業,但在大多數情況下,它增強了人類所做的事情並讓他們以放更多時



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