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KEY TO EXERCISES Section A: Text Comprehension I. Reference Answers to Pre-reading Questions: The risks to the global financial system have moderated from the extreme levels identified in the April 2009 Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). However, overall financial conditions remain tight. Severe recession risks have eased in response to concerted fiscal and monetary policy stimulus measures. [Paras 1-3] Because on both sides of the Atlantic, it is proving difficult to effectively implement measures that fully address the problem of impaired assets on banks balance sheets, leaving banks vulnerable to a further deterioration in the quality of these assets if the global downturn is deeper, and more prolonged, than projected. [Para 4] Corporate bond markets have reopened,and are functioning more normally, but bank credit growth is still slowing. [Para 5] Because emerging markets are recovering, and emerging market assets have benefited from the recovery of commodity prices and improved growth prospects, especially in Asia. Emerging market equities have rebounded 30 to 60 percent since end-February, matching or outpacing mature market equities. [Para 8] Because continued policy efforts are needed to stave off the chance that some of the recent gains could yet be reversed. More work is needed to fix banks and markets. [Paras 11-12] Section B: Exercises I. Vocabulary Buildup Choose the best equivalent word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C and D for each underlined word or phrase in the following sentences. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. B II. Translation Practice Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. 然而,总体金融状况依然不容乐观。在成熟经济体中,银行对私人部门信贷的增长继续放慢,未获得政府部门支持的证券化市场依然处于失灵状态,并且,资格较低的借款人几乎无法从资本市场获得融资。另外,为降低私人企业风险提供支持的政府部门干预已导致政府部门风险相应增加,并逐渐加重了财政负担。[Para.2] 鉴于对金融系统稳定造成的威胁在加剧,信贷紧缩在恶化,2009年4月《全球金融稳定报告》指出了迫在眉睫的政策挑战,强调采取一系列金融政策缓解下行风险。自此,政府实施的空前政策行为降低了金融行业发生重大倒闭的可能性,这是朝着人们对恢复金融市场信心迈



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