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l l 六西格玛管理模式在企业的应用研究 摘 要 随着经济全球化和区域经济一体化,世界经济出现了自经济危机以来的高速发展时期。中国经济随着改革开放的不断深入、各省各地区招商引资政策的不断完善,中国经济的增长速度在世界范围内屈指可数。六西格玛管理是一项以顾客为中心、以数据为基础,以追求几乎完美无瑕为目标的管理理念。其核心是通过一套以统计技术为依据的数据分析、测量问题、分析原因,以改进、优化和控制流程,使企业在经营运作方面达到最佳效果。 本文通过对中国重汽集团实施六西格玛管理理论的研究,来分析企业如何在企业内实施六西格玛管理。在文章中用到了大量的统计学知识对数据进行分析,如FMEA和FTA分析、方差分析与回归分析、参数设计等,进而得出了实施六西格玛管理模式对一个企业的发展有着举足轻重的地位。同时,希望能为从事相关工作的设计工作者提供一些参考和启发。在今后的改善工作中运用六西格玛,发展最优方案,以此来灵活地组织生产,以适应市场需求的变化,提高企业竞争力,积极的应对激烈的市场竞争与挑战。 关键词: 六西格玛;六西格玛管理理论;六西格玛工具 ;FMEA和FTA分析 l l The six sigma theory in enterprise management in the theory and research Abstract With the economic globalization and regional economic integration, the world economy has a high-speed development period since the economic crisis. Chinas economy with the area of the deepening of reform and opening up, the investment policy of continuous improvement, Chinas economic growth rate can be counted on ones fingers in the world. Six Sigma management is a term to the customer as the center, take the data as the foundation, to the pursuit of almost perfect as the goal of management philosophy. Its core is a series of statistical technology based on data analysis, measurement, analysis, improvement, optimization and control in process, make the enterprise to achieve the best effect in operation. Through the research of Six Sigma Implementation on China Zhongqijituan, to analyze how to implement Six Sigma Management in the enterprise. In this paper used in the analysis of the data from a number of statistical knowledge, such as analysis, FMEA and FTA analysis, analysis of variance and regression parameter design, and then presents the implementation of Six Sigma management mode of an enterprise development has play a decisive role position. At the same time, I hope to provide some reference and inspiration for the design of workers engaged in related work. The application of Six Sigma in the future improvement work, development of optimal solutions, in order to flexible organization of producti


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