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PAGE PAGE 19 四川电大毕业论文 从现代女性视角看苔丝 学 生:xx 按本科专业目录填写专 业:英语 按本科专业目录填写 班 级:2009级 指导教师:xx 四 川 电 大 二0一一年六月 An Analysis of Tess from Modern Female Perspective Supervisor: Rao Xin Author:Wei Gang School of Foreign Languages Sichuan Dian Da Zigong,Sichuan,China June,2011 Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor, Wang Kelu, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this paper. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation for his time and efforts in reviewing and revising this thesis, for his constructive suggestions and critical judgments on this paper. His earnest attitude to research will influence me greatly in my future study. Second, I am also greatly indebted to all the professors and teachers at the Department of English, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past three years. At last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time and helping me work out the problems of my thesis. ABSTRACT Tess of the DUrbervilles, published in 1891, was one of the most famous works of Thomas Hardy. It has received much criticism from the day it was published and the heroine Tess was generally regarded as a passive victim of fate and circumstances. As far as I’m concerned, fate and circumstances were not all the reasons for Tess’s tragedy. In the late Victorian Times, Tess was really new female image for she was brave to revolt feudalism and traditional morality and laws. However, analyzed from modern female perspectives, Tess’s characters had demerits which also were the cause of her tragedy. This paper tries to analyze the image of Tess from modern female perspective first, and then summarize Hardy’s feminist thinking. Besides introduction and conclusion, this paper is


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