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232 东农业科学 2014 年第 5 期 传感器在精准农业中的应用 1 1 2 1 郭佩佩 黄家怿 谢秋波 陈万云 1. 州市健坤网络科技发展有限公司袁 东 州 510630 曰 2.广东省现代农业装备研究所袁 东 州 510630冤 要 加快我国精准农业发展速度袁拓宽其普及应用范围袁发展高效尧稳定尧价格低廉的传感器至关重要遥 介绍 了生物传感器尧电子舌尧电子鼻尧机器视觉等新型传感器的基本原理及其在农业领域的应用现状袁并探讨了在农副产 品生产尧加工尧储运和流通的 个环节对传感器的不同需求袁同时对农情监控传感器的发展方向进行展望遥 关键词 传感器曰 新型曰 应用曰 精准农业 中图分类号 T P212.9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1004-874X 2014冤05-0232-05 Application of sensors in precision agriculture 1 1 2 1 GUO Pei-pei , HUANG Jia-yi , XIE Qiu-bo , CHEN Wan-yun (1.G uangz hou Jiank un Ne twork Tec hnology Dev e lopme nt Company Limited, G uangzhou 510630, China; 2.G uangdong Ins titute of Mode rn A gric ultural Eq uipme nt, G uangz hou 510630, China) A bstract: To accelerate the pace of precision agriculture and broaden its application, it is quite important to develop multifunctional sensors w ith high efficient, stable and inexpensive features. This paper mainly summarized the working principles of new ty pe sensors and their application in agriculture, such as biosensor, electronic tongue, electronic nose and machine vision, etc. A nd then, the particular demands of each agricultural stage for sensors also have been discussed, including production, processing, storage, transportation and distribution. Finally , the future direction of agricultural monitoring sensors was prospected. Key words: sensor; new ty pe; application; precision agriculture 21 世纪至今袁信息技术高速发展袁促进传统野粗 感器技术迅速发展袁 且通过产业化投入袁 产品种类繁 型冶农业生产方式向野


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