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Subject Important words and phrases Important expressions Lesson One apple pie , Coke/ drink, French fries, hamburger, hungry, lunch, orange juice, snack bar, on the corner, look for, have a bad cold, see a doctor, tired, bored What,s wrong with you? Pm tired( bored, hungry). What would you like to eat? U d like a hamburger and a Coke. There is a snack bar on the corner Lesson Two always, clean, engineer, fantastic, pilot, plane, pool, practice, sometimes, spaceship, usually, go hiking, design spaceships, fly planes What do you usually do after school? I usually clean my room. What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot. I usually go swimming at the pooL Lesson Three animals, Australia, farmer, feed, learn, plan,uncle,vacation,vet, visit,go to a mountain,learn Chinese,take care of Do you have good plans? Yes, Um going to visit Wonder Land. What does your uncle do? He,s a farmer. What are you going to do? Lesson Four airport, boarding pass,camera, during, list, luggage, passport, raincoat, stay, ticket, week ate (eat), bought (buy) Who has the camera? I have the camera. How long will you stay there? About 2 weeks. Did you take your raincoats and umbrellas? Lesson Five awesome, building, Gift shop,turn left,next to, turn right, straight, surprise, take a picture, welcome, saw(see) in front of Stand close to Winky and just smile. Wheres the gift shop? Go straight two blocks and turn left. What a surprise! Fll take a picture of you. Lesson Six clouds, come out cool, drop of rain, dry, fine, pour, season, sunny, warm, weather, wet, windy, in a minute. How,s the weather in Ellia? Ifs warm and dry. Which season do you like? I like summer best. The sun is coming out Lesson Seven amusement park, exciting, feel well, fever, interesting, museum, over, planet, runny, nose, trip, yourself came(come), is (vvas),went(go) How are you feeling? I dont feel well. Fll tell my friends about my trip. I have a slight fever and a runny nose. How did you go to Wonderland? 根据期末考试的需要,我们五年级听


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