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代词 Pronouns 一 . 人称代词 四 . 指示代词 二 . 物主代词 五 . 不定代词 三 . 反身代词 六 . 疑问代词 七 . 连接代词 八 . 关系代词 一 . 人称代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称 格 数 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 I you he she it me you him her it we you they us you them 2. 人称代词的用法 (1) 主格在句中作主语。 We study English every day. 我们每天都学英语。 (2) 宾格在句中作宾语或表语。 I teach them English. 我教他们英语。 — Who is knocking on the door? 谁在敲门? — Its me. 我。 (3)it 的用法。 ①用作形式主语或形式宾语。 It is important for us to learn English well. 对我们来说学好英语很重要。 I found it is important to learn English well. 我发现学好英语很重要。 1 、单数你他我,复数一二三,道歉我为先 . 一 . 人称代词特殊用法 1. 我、你、他、都 18 岁。 __________________ 2. 你们、我们、他们都来自中国。 ______________________________. You, he and I are 18. We, you and they are from China 2 、在简短对话中,当人称代词单独使用或在 not 后多用宾格 . — I like English. — _____ too. A. I B. He C. Me 1. — Who broke the window? — Not _____. A. I B. he C. her 2. Miss Li invited __ have dinner with her . A. me and you B. you and I C. you and me 3. Who taught _____ English last term? A. them B. their C. they 3 、 it 的特殊用法 ① it 可指不知性别的婴儿或不确指性别的人 . 1. — who is the person over there? — It is the headmaster. ② It 也可用来表示天气、时间、距离等。 1. 天气: How cold it is today! 2. 时间: Its about eight oclock. 3. 距离: Its 200 kilometers from here. 一 . 人称代词 1. --- Who is knocking at the door? --- I dont know . I was lying in the bed and just ask who ____ was. A. he B. she C. it 2. I cant find my hat . I dont know where I put ____. A. one B. it C. that 3. I cant find my hat . I think I must buy__. A. it B. one C. that ③ 固定句型 1. 做某事情对某人来说是 … It is + adj. (+for sb.) +to do sth. 2. 轮到某人做 … It s ones turn to do sth. 3. 是(某人)做某事的时候了 It s time (for sb.) to do sth. 4. 据说 … It s said that … 一 . 人称代词 5. 某人花费 … 做某事 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 6. 自从 … 以来,已经有 … (时间)了 。 It is / has been + 时段 + since + 从句 ( 过 去时 ) 7. 某人发现 / 认为 / 感觉到做某事是 … 的 find sb. think feel + it + adj. to do 1.I found ___ very dif


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