英美报刊阅读 第五课新闻结构.ppt

英美报刊阅读 第五课新闻结构.ppt

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第五单元:英语新闻结构 UNIT FIVE: STRUCTURE *inverted-pyramid style 倒金字塔式 inverted-pyramid style the news is reported in paragraphs arranged in order of descending importance 倒金字塔式:新闻内容按照重要性递减的顺 序安排的结构形式 a example one P18512 Killed As Porch Collapses in Chicago 案例2: ■盖茨及同窗报恩母校 微软公司的比尔盖茨和他在哈佛大学的一个朋友向这所学校捐 款2500万美元,用来建造一座计算机大楼。(导语,捐款金额, 目的) 哈佛将在这座大楼里实施它的计算机科学和电机工程计划。(捐 款项目) 盖茨和史蒂大·巴尔默联合捐资的消息是昨天晩上宣布的。这笔捐 款的数额在哈佛大学有史以来收到的捐款中占第五位。(时间, 捐款排次) 盖茨是美国的首富,据估计,他现在大约拥有148亿美元。巴尔 默是盖茨1980年带进微软公司的,他现在负责销售。据报道,他 现在拥有37亿美元。(二人拥有财富) 盖茨1973年在哈佛大学时曾同住过一个宿舍。(二人关系) B. Organizing an inverted pyramid guidelines to follow 1、 Write a terse lead 2 Provide background information 3 Report the news in order of descending importance 4 Sprinkle quotations throughout 5 Use effective transition 6、 Never editoria|ize 7、 Avoid saying the end” Part two: Hourglass Style 时间顺序式 Hourglass Style : is often used by reporters covering trials or police and fire news. in this form, the writer provides the major news in the first few paragraphs of the story. The paragraphs are written in order of descending importace, as in an inverted pyramid. then the writer often uses a transitional paragraph to introduce a chronology of the events of the story.


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