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高中英语教案:注意饮食-最新范文 科目 英语 年级 高一 文件 high1 unit15.1.doc 标题 Healthy Eating (健康饮食) 章节 第十五单元 关键词 内容 Healthy Eating (健康饮食) 一、教法建议 【抛砖引玉】 单元双基学习目标 Ⅰ. 四会单词和词组: pain , in (the) future , be rich in , contain , fat ( n . ) , soft drink , score , scores of , discuss , discussion , at the end ( of ) 三会单词和词组: examine , ripe , advise , patient , energy , weight , put on weight , westerner , cause , unhealthy , lose weight , suggestion Ⅱ. 交际英语: 人人都希望自己身体健康,工作顺利,生活愉快.人体就像一部机器,机器需要经常保养才能不停地正常运转,不出故障;人也需要营养合理的饮食、充足的睡眠、必不可少的休息与娱乐.倘若你为了省钱省时间而终日凑合着吃东西;倘若你为了挤出更多的时间对付艰苦的学习而挤掉了睡眠时间;倘若你为了多打工赚钱,几乎舍弃了所有的休息与娱乐.那么,生病就在所难免.万一人生了病就需要去医院诊断出出故障的原因,这时就需要和医生打交道,下面是常用到的语句. 医生用语: 1. What can I do for you ? / What was the matter ? / What\’s the trouble ? 2. Does it hurt here ? / It\’s nothing serious . / Let me examine you . / Take this medicine three times a day . / And I advise you not to do … 3. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest . / You\’d better have a good rest . / You\’ll be well soon . 4. Show me your tongue . / Stick out your tongue . / Did you cough much ? / Fortunately , you only have the flu (流感) . / You\’ll have to be hospitalized (住院) . 5. How long have you been like this ? / Well , let\’s see . Open your mouth and say “ah ”. / Keep warm and don\’t catch cold . 病人用语: 1. I\’ve got a pain ( cough , headache , toothache ) . / I don\’t feel well . / There\’s something wrong with … . / This place hurts . / I feel a great pain here . / I feel dizzy (头晕) . / I took some medicine last night , but they didn\’t help . / Doctor , please give me an examination . 2. I\’ve had my temperature taken . I indeed have a fever . / I was hot and cold by turns . 3. I don\’t feel well , doctor . / I hope it won\’t last long . / I don\’t feel like eating anything . 4. I have a sore throat ( 喉咙痛) and my chest hurts . / It started bothering me yesterday afternoon . / I feel hot and feverish . / I\’m aching all over . 5. I\’ve been losing sleep . / My whole body feels weak . /


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