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;Turn left!;Turn right!; Go upstairs!;Guessing Game;Guessing Game;Guessing Game;Guessing Game;Guessing Game;Guessing Game;Read and observe(观察);;祈使句的句型:;Giving orders / instructions; 祈使句的回答通常有两种形式,如果是肯定的祈使句,使用…,I will;如果是否定的祈使句, 使用…,I will not/ I won’t回答。 Please give my best wishes to your parents. Thanks, I will. 2. Remember to turn off the light. OK, I will. 3. Please don’t forget to turn off the light. Sure, I won’t. 4. Please don’t waste water. Sorry, I won’t.;祈使句 ;Let’s do exercise.;1. Jim, _____ me a hand. A. gives B. is giving C. will give D. give 2. ____ careful, Jenny! There is a tree in front of you. A. Am B. / C. Be D. Was 3. Let's ____ our time. A. not waste B. no wasting C. not to waste D. no waste 4. —____ higher, and you will see the house. —OK. A. If you stand B. To stand C. When you stand D. Stand ;5. Please ___ do it. A. he B. let him C. let he D. him 6. _____ let anyone open the door. A. Don't B. Will C. Not D. No 7. —Don’t be late again. —Sorry, ______. A. I may B. I must C. I will D. I won’t 8. —Call me when you get home. —OK, ____. A. I must B. I can C. I will D. I may ;1 --It’s her birthday next week. -- Then___________ her about the surprise birthday. 2 – How can I get to People’s Hospital? --_____ along the street and ______ left at the lights.;3 --We have to finish the work in two hours. -- Then let’s__________ any time. 4 --____________so much noise, please. -- Ok. 5 --_______out! There’s a car coming. -- Thanks.; 祈使句结构如下: (Please) + do sth. (Please) + Don’t do sth.;Let’s do more exercises.;;6. _____ forget to write to me when you _____ get there next Tuesday. A. Don't; will B. Please; will C. Please; / D. Don't; / 7. Please ___ do


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