高中英语_Return of the White Bikes教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

高中英语_Return of the White Bikes教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Return of the White Bikes教学设计 课题:Return of the White Bikes(北师大版英语必修三?第九单元) 课型:阅读课 教学目标: 1.To get the main idea of the passage and know more about the “White Bikes” in Amsterdam 2.To learn to analyze the structure of the passage 3. To learn to construct the mind map and use the sentence patterns in writing 4.To learn to cultivate the morality (品德)hidden in the passage and become more hardworking, creative and critical 教学重难点: To fully understand the text and master its structure To develop the students writing strategy To cultivate the spirits hidden in the passage 教学方法:Task-based learning, individual and cooperative learning, Group discussion 教学手段:Multi-media, a blackboard 教学流程设计: Teacher Students Comments Step1 Lead-in and Warming-up 1. Show a video to the students and ask them to answer a question after the video. The question is “In the foreigners’ eyes, what are the four new inventions in China?” 2. Question: Who had the idea of the shared bikes for the first time? 3.Some basic information of the city Amsterdam. 1. Watch the video and think about the question. 2.Show interest in the topic of shared bikes and learn the basic information of the city Amsterdam. 1.用当今外国青年评出的中国新四大发明的视频作为导入,很快将学生的注意力拉到了课堂上,视频展示了中国的迅速发展,激发了学生为祖国而感到自豪的心理,为最后一个环节,学生创造力的发挥和积极贡献做好了心理铺垫。 2. 以中国新四大发明中最后一项发明共享单车作为问题导入,成功地过渡到了共享单车这个话题上。 Step2 Pre-reading Predict from the title : Encourage the students to predict what will happen in the passage according to the title. Pay special attention to the word “return” Have a prediction of the passage according to the title 1.通过猜测题目含义对文章内容有了心理预设。 2. 通过鼓励学生大胆进行猜测文章内容,让学生体会到了很好的阅读策略。 Step3 Fast reading Read the passage as fast as you can and fill in the blanks to get the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 The city of _________ Paragraph 2 White bikes______ Paragraph3 White bikes _______ Paragraph 4 _________ of the white bikes How many parts can the passage be divided into? Read the passage and get the outline of



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