初中英语_Unit3 Section B (2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Unit3 Section B (2a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Unit 3 Will people have robots? Section B Reading 教学设计 【教学目标】 知识目标 能熟练掌握本节课human、possible等词汇和相关阅读技巧。 能力目标 能够预测将来,谈论将来的生活。 情感目标 热爱科学,激发自己的创作欲望,使机器人更好的服务于人类。 【教学重难点】 重点:能熟练掌握本节课human、possible等词汇和知识点。 难点: 能够预测将来,谈论将来的生活。 【课时安排】1课时 【教学过程】 导入环节 (一)导入新课,板书课题 导入语:T: Good afternoon, class. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. T:I am from Liudu Middle School .Nice to meet you. Look here, let’s sing and dance. The robot can sing and dance.Do you like robots? ***, have a try please. ***, how about you? Good! Today we’re going to learn U3 Do you think you will have your own robots? (二)出示学习目标 过渡语:First,class,Let’s read the learning aims together. 知识目标 我能熟练掌握本节课human、possible等词汇和相关阅读技巧。 能力目标 我能够预测将来,谈论将来的生活。 情感目标 热爱科学,激发自己的创作欲望,使机器人更好的服务于人类。 过渡语:Are you clear? Let’s go on. 二、先学环节 过渡语:Class, first let’s watch a short vedio and then you try to fill the blanks below. Ok? (一)单词自学及检测 人的_____ 有危险的______ 工厂_______ 不同意_______ 形状______ 在。。。里面______ 可能的_______ 不可能的_________ (二)Skimming(快速浏览,回答问题) 1.出示自学指导 快速阅读课文。 2.自学检测反馈 过渡语:Boys and girls, now you have to match. 完成2b连线 三、后教环节 合作探究 Careful reading(以小组合作的方式完成) 细读第一和第二段,回答问题. 过渡语:Boys and girls, well done. Now let’s read the article carefully. Read the first paragraph and then answer the questions. What do the robots look like in the movies? ________________________________________________________ What can the robots do for people? ___________________________________________________________ Where are the robots already working? ________________________________________________________________ 2.读课文第三段判断对错。 ()Some robots in China can walk and dance. ()Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the things as we do. 读课文第四段做题。 翻译 ? Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. ___________________________________________________________________________ 小提示:will 后面跟着动词原形表示将来要发生的事情。 ?However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. ______________________________________



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