初中英语_Module 12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_Module 12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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初中英语教学设计 学校: 教材版本: 外研社 教师 年级 八年级 适用对象 八年级学生 授课类型 新授课 课题 Module 12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives? 教学重点难点 ·教学重点 1.会读会写本单元重点词汇和相关短语。 2.能够听懂并描述突发事故和急救的话题。 ·教学难点 1.能谈论突发事故以及应采取的相应措施。 2.归纳祈使句的肯定式和否定式的用法。 教学方法 情景交际法,任务型教学法, 教学媒体运用 PPT,点读笔,flash 动画等 教学过程 Step 1 Lead in The teacher shows a picture and describes like this: A boy fell down the stairs and was lying at the bottom of the stairs. He was in pain because he hurt his knee badly. What would you do in such a situation? The teacher arouses the topic first aid or help, and lets students know about learning aims about this unit. Step 2 Listening Practice 1.The teacher shows pictures and asks students to say the words, which lay foundation for learning the dialogue. 2. Listen and fill in the blanks. (自主+展示) Ms James: This morning’s class is about ______ ______, or giving someone basic ________help. Let’s imagine an accident. A boy is lying at the bottom of the stairs. He is in pain. What can we do the help him? Betty: First of all, find out what’s____________ with him. Betty: Ask him. Ling ling: Shout for help? Call 120? Tony: Make him comfortable! Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair? Betty: Make sure he’s warm. him with a coat. Step 3 对话处理 1. Watch the video and answer questions. (自主+展示) (1).Whats the conversation about? A .traffic about an traffic accident B. A class about how to give first aid (2). Is it a good idea to shout for help or call 120? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. 2. Read the dialogue and fill in the table. Do’s Don’ts 2. Act out the conversation in groups and try to retell the dialogue. Step 4 Summary and Practice 1. The teacher helps students make a summary about what they have learned in class and tells them “Danger is everywhere, safety is important! In daily life, we should have awareness of safety, learn to express their feelings about help, and above all advise students to protect and love themselves. 2. 练习 一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词



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