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2021/3/27 * school rules fight at school. Don‘t 别在学校打架 2021/3/27 * play football on the road. Don’t 不要在道路上踢足球。 2021/3/27 * pick flowers in the park. Don’t 不要在公园里摘花 2021/3/27 * Brain Storming 头脑风暴 2021/3/27 * Don’t play football on the road Don’t throw waste paper on the floor Don’t draw on the wall Don’t talk in the library. Don’t pick flowers in the park Don’t eat in class. 2021/3/27 * 2021/3/27 * Summary (小结) 1、以Don’t开头的是祈使句,它用来表示请求、命令、建议等语气,祈使句中的主语常常被省去。 2、 Don’t+动词原形(动词原形组成的短语),表示不要做某事。 e.g: Don’t play basketball on the road. 不要在路上打篮球。 2021/3/27 * Little Test 小小测验 1 talk in class. A.No B.Don’t C.You don’t 2 Don’t on the wall. A.draw B.drew C.drawing 3 Write a sentence about the picture below. 2021/3/27 * Look and say(看一看,说一说) Dont talk. Don’t run. Dont pick flowers. Don’t fight. Don’ eat in the class. Dont throw waste paper here. 2021/3/27 * Listen to the tape and find “ don’t ” 认真听录音,圈出“ don’t”。 2021/3/27 * Homework: 1、Write words five times and recite them. 2、Listen and read the text two times. 3、Make rules for our school. 2021/3/27 * 2021/3/27 * 2021/3/27 * here 光头强,我在这里,你来抓我啊! [h??] 2021/3/27 * Mrs [misiz] 2021/3/27 * take [te?k] 2021/3/27 * library [la?br?r?] 2021/3/27 * throw [θr??] 2021/3/27 * waste [we?st] 2021/3/27 * floor [fl??] 2021/3/27 * road [r??d] 2021/3/27 * park [pɑ?k] 2021/3/27 * floor library road waste Mrs take here park I can read 2021/3/27 * 2021/3/27 * floor throw Mrs waste here take road park library 2021/3/27 * 我转你读! 2021/3/27 * 2021/3/27 * take road floor here 2021/3/27 * park Mrs throw road 2021/3/27 * What dose that sign mean? 2021/3/27 * talk in t


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