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第 第 PAGE 1 页,共 7 页 Unit 9 Can you come to mu party? 一、 单词及短语 、prepare 动词 意为使 , 做好准备,把 , 准备好;常用短语 ① prepare for,, 为, 做准备;其名词形式为 preparation 意为准备,准备工作 Eg: I can’t go to your party ,because I must prepare for the math exam. The farmers are preparing the ground for plantin。g 农民们正在为种植准备耕地。 ② prepare sb for/to do sth 使某人对 ,, 做好准备 eg:The teachers are preparing the students for the final examination. 老师们正让学生们准备期末考试 . He took out a picec of paper and prepared to write to his friend. 他拿出一张纸,准备给他地朋友写信。 ③ prepare sb sth为某人准备 ,, eg: the host prepared us a delicious meal. 主人为我们准备了美味地晚餐 . 、exam examination 名词 意为考试常见地短语: entrance exam 入学考试 pass the exam 通过考试 fail the exam 考试及格 have /take an exam 参加考试 积 、have the flu 患感冒 have a cold 感 冒了 have a fever 发高烧 have a 极 向 headache 头痛 注意:其中地 have 不为有地意思,通常意为患有 ,, 上 4、available 形容词 意为有空地;可获得地 ,与 free 地意义相同 , be available===be free 索探 Eg: I am available (free)in this afternoon. 下午有空。 索 自 Can you come to my party this evening? 己 sorry, I’m not available(free) .Maybe another time. 5、until 身本 until “直到” ,表示某一种行为一直持续到某一时间。用在肯定句中,句子地谓 身 价 语动词必须为可延续性地。 值 not...until“直到 ...才”表示直到某一时间 ,某一行为才发生 ,之前该行为并没有发 , 生. 用在否定句中,主句中地谓语可以为延续性地也可以为短暂性动词。 学 业 eg: I studied Englis until 9 o ’ clock last night. 我咋晚学英语一直学到 9 点钟.(表 有 示 9 点前一直在学 ) I did not study Englis until 9 o ’clock last night. 我咋晚 成 直到 9 点钟才学英语 .(表示 9 点才开始学 ) I waited for five hours until it was dark. I had to give it up.我等了五个小时直到天黑了,不得不放弃。 I didn’ t go to sleep until o’ clock 我知道九点钟才睡觉。 He lived with his parents until he get married。他与父母住知道他结婚为止。6、hang 动词 意为悬挂,垂下 过去式为 hung 常见短语: hang out 外出闲逛。泡在某处 hang on 紧紧抓住 Hang on 挂在, 上 hang up 挂断电话;悬挂,挂起 Eg:He likes reading and he often hangs out the bookshop他. 喜欢阅读,并且他尝 尝去书店。 Hang the picture on the wall. 把这幅画挂在墙上。 7、catch 动词 意为追上,赶上;其三单形式为 catches 过去式为 caught 常用短语为 catch up with 追赶上,likes Eg:The cat likes catching the mice猫. 喜欢抓老鼠。 You have to work hard to catch up with the top students in your class. 要赶上班上地优秀学生,你地更加努力才行。 - - 9、I’m afraid,, 意为恐怕 ,, ,表示推测令


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