The Raid 2: Berandal《突袭2:暴徒(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Raid 2: Berandal《突袭2:暴徒(2014)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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实际上这关乎志向。 Its a question of ambition really. 让我换种说法。 Let me rephrase that. 这事关极限。 Its a matter of limitation. 重点在于,知道你自己的极限。 And the importance of knowing yours. 你的头儿,塔玛。 对,他有地位。 Your boss, Tama. He had a reputation, yes. 但他也知道自己的位置, 知道自己能爬多高。 But he also knew where he stood, understood how high he should climb. 所以班根才让他做自己。 Thats why Bangun let him be the man he was. 别理他们。 Dont mind them. 我很理智的。 Im a reasonable man. 和你一样,我有志向, Like you, I have ambitions. 但是,在咱们的世界里... But you see, in this world of ours... ...真的要“一步一个脚印”。 ...its really more of a one step at a time kind of thing. 而你hearts;他hearts;妈hearts;应该离... And you should have been some fucking steps away... ...这样的会面很远很远。 ...from a meeting like this. - 班根会—— - 班根老了! - Bangun will-- - Bangun is an old man! 他快完了。 Hes on his way out. 我给你机会了。 I gave you a chance. 你选了他。 You chose him. 所以... So... 所以绕了一圈咱们又回来了,志向... I guess this brings us back full circle, ambition... ...和极限。 ...and limitation. 白乔。白乔! Bejo. Bejo! - 求你了。 - 我说过了。 - Please dont do this. - I already told you. - 别担心。 - 求你了! - Dont worry. - No, no! 白乔,等等! Dont, Bejo, wait! 你叫? You called? 拉马。 Rama. 我知道你是谁。 I know who you are. 我弟兄说... My brother says... ...我可以信任你。 ...youre someone I can trust. 没错。 Hes right. 下手挺重的。 They got you pretty bad. 是啊,先生。 Yes, sir, they did. 带他走,弄好点。 Take him through, get him treated. 小心。 Be careful. 等等!不要! No, wait! Stop! 靠?!别! What the fuck?! No! - 你hearts;他hearts;妈hearts;干嘛?! - 没事。冷静点。 - What the fuck was that?! -Its okay. Just calm down. 坐吧。坐。 Take a seat. Sit. 拿上他的夹克,手套,所有的警方衣物。 Take his jacket, gloves and any official threads he has. 尸体扔得远远的。 Dump him far away from here. 清晨他能漂到岸边。 Hell float to shore by dawn. 是,先生。 Yes, sir. 相信我。 Trust me. 他活不过今早。 He wouldve never survived until morning. 这样才能保证他不会把你的事说出去。 This is the only way we can be sure he wont say a word about you. 把咱们的事说出去。 About us. 咱们? Us? 我有个小组,专清他这样的坏警hearts;察hearts;。 I run a unit that weeds out crooked cops like him. 有你这样的人搭手,我能挖到更多。 And I could do with someone like yo


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