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嘿 嘿 Hey! Hey! 天哪 Jesus! 怎么搞的 What the hell? 嘿 Hey! 你好 Hello? 你还好吗 Are you all right in there? 嘿 听的到吗 Hey, can you hear me? 天哪 Jesus. 我的天 Holy shit. 911 请问有什么紧急情况吗 911, what is your emergency? 帮帮我 这儿有一个女孩儿 I need help. Theres a girl. 好像出了意外 Shes in some kind of an accident or something. 她死了 And shes died. 好的 先生 请冷静 你们现在在哪儿 All right, sir, calm down. Where are you right now? 我刚经过一个标志牌 写着伍德莫尔县 I just passed a sign that said Woodmore County. 抱歉 先生 您刚刚掉线了 能再说一遍吗 Im sorry, youre breaking up. Can you repeat that again? 该死 伍德莫尔 Shit. Its Woodmore. 我不知道这条路叫什么 I dont know what the name of the road is. 先生 别急 你叫什么名字 Sir, calm down. Can I have your name please? 我叫 Yeah, its... 先生 Sir? 利亚姆 Liam. 要命啊 Jesus Christ. 有人吗 Hello? 你好 利亚姆 哈特韦尔 Hi there. Youve reached Liam Hartwell. 如果你想要一份环境美化的工作 If youre calling concerning a landscaping job, 请拨hearts;打hearts;5550968 please reach me on my cell at 555-0968. 然后在哔声后留言 Leave a message at the beep. 如果您想要修改您的语hearts;音hearts;回复 请按1 If you would like to change your welcome message, press 1. 上帝啊 Christ. 该死 Fuck. 警长 你们已经排除了生物战争的可能吗 Sheriff, are you ruling out the possibility of biological warfare? 直到尸检的结果出来之前 Until proper autopsies can be performed with... 我们都必须等法医的报告 We have to wait for the Coroners report 现在还无法确定到底发生了什么 before we can stipulate what it is actually happened there. 那现在的空气能否安全呼吸呢 Now, whether the air is safe to breathe or not, 我现在无法确定 I cant say at this time. 先生 这里 Sir, over here! 嘿 Hey! 嘿 离开这儿 Hey! Get out of here! 不 走啊 离开这儿 这里不安全 No! Go! Get out of here! Its not safe! 别呆在外面 快走 You cant stay outside. Go! 蠢货 Stupid. 回家去 Go home! 而且他确认这次的死亡迹象 And he confirms that the signs of death 与今天早上发现的一位29岁女性相似 was similar with the 29-year-old woman who was found earlier this morning. 早先我也同雷拉多警长进行了交谈 I also had an opportunity to talk with sheriff Laredo earlier on 了解了事件的现状 concerning the current state of affairs. 他表示 This is what he had to say. 目前为止 我们仅发生了两起同类事件 Weve established only two occurren


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