The Banker《银行家(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Banker《银行家(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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美国参议院常务委员会 Today the United States Senate Committee on Government Operations 今天开始就受保银行举hearts;行hearts;听证会 begins hearings on federally insured banks. 人们对现有法律是否足以监督 We are concerned whether existing laws are adequate to guarantee 受保银行经营者的品行 资历和道德存有隐忧 the character, experience, and integrity of people who acquire such banks, 这些银行被视为美国资本主义社会 which are the cornerstones of American capitalism 以及“美国梦”的基石 and the foundation of the American dream. 银行家 (根据真人真事改编) (1965年 华府) 伯纳德 你要步步为营 他们要对你杀一儆百 Be careful in there, Bernard. They want to make an example out of you. 委员会传召伯纳德盖瑞特上庭供证 Committee calls Bernard S. Garrett to testify. 盖瑞特先生 我相信你了解个中轻重 Mr. Garrett, I think you understand the stakes. (1939年 德克萨斯州 威利斯) 凯雷集团和春天集团? Carlyle and Spring? 对啊 每年租金收入达八万美元 太强了 Right. Annual rental income 80,000, which is strong, 可是米勒先生 希望用六这个收益乘数来估值 but Mr. Miller wants us to use a six multiplier to value it. 那也太高了吧 Thats too high. 他等一下会过来议价 或许你可以参与 Hes coming in an hour to negotiate on it. Maybe you can step in. 好啊 All right. 这小子把鞋子擦得挺亮的 Boy does a pretty good shine. 比大多数擦鞋童勤奋多了 Harder worker than most of em. (六倍 太高了) 威利斯也许没有类似房hearts;产 There may not be comps in Willis, 但你不妨看看我在县内的其他房hearts;地hearts;产hearts; but take a look at the other properties I own in the county. 收益乘数为六是合理的 A six multiple is reasonable. 你在康罗有其他房hearts;产 那边因为早前发现油矿而快速发展 Your other buildings are in Conroe, which is booming with the oil find. 我觉得这不能算类似房hearts;产 So, Im not sure this is a good comp. 威利斯也在蓬勃发展 Willis is booming too. 小子 你在这边干什 么? Hey! What are you doing up there, boy? 你在偷看白人做生意? You spying on these white peoples business? 给我回来! Get back here! 我一定会告诉你hearts;爸hearts;的! Your dads gonna hear about this! 小子 看路! Hey! Watch it, boy! 要是让白人知道你在偷看他们做生意 你说他们会怎么对付你? What do you think them white folks would do if they knew you were spying on them? 我小时候见过小伙子们 因更小的事丢了性命 When I was growing up Ive seen boys killed for less. 你知道那种看着年轻小伙子 被吊死在树上的心情吗? You know what its like to see a young boy hanging dead from a tree? 别以为最近没发生这种事 它就不


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