Capricorn One《摩羯星一号(1977)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Capricorn One《摩羯星一号(1977)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is Paul Cunningham, 早上好,女士们、先生们,我是摩羯星控制中心的 Capricorn Control. 保罗·康丁霍曼 The time is three minutes after six, Eastern Daylight Time. 现在是美国东部时间早晨 6:03 Were coming up on T-minus 32 minutes. 21 seconds... mark. 距离火箭发射还有32分21秒…… To facilitate the broadcast media, we will precede each announcement 为了方便广播媒体,我们将在每5秒响一声, with a 5 seconds. tone, followe by a 1 second pause. 然后暂停1秒 Anyone who hasnt got a press kit can pick one at the information trailer. 可以到信息中心领hearts;取hearts;关于本次发射的相关资料 At the present time,all systems are go, all lights are green. 到目前为止,所有系统运行正常 To review the morning for you,at T-minus 8 hours, 5 minutes. 昨晚10:30分我们对火箭主体 Launch Complex thirty-nine was cleared 进行了最后的检查 and we began to load liquid propellant into the launch vehicle. 并开始向火箭添加液体燃料 At T-minus 4 hours, 30 minutes. 今天凌晨2:05 Colonel Charles Brubaker,the Command Pilot, 空军医生罗杰·巴勒斯博士对执行本次飞行的 Lieutenant Colonel Peter Willis and Commander John Walker 查尔斯·布鲁贝克上校,彼得·威利斯中校, were awakened by Dr. Roger Burroughs, the flight surgeon. 还有约翰·沃克指挥官 They were given a final physical examination and pronounced all fit. 进行了最后的身体hearts;检hearts;查 The crew then had a breakfast consisting of half a grapefruit, 随后宇航员们享用了丰盛的早餐 a ten ounce steak, 包括半个柚子,10盎司的牛排 twelve ounces of orange juice, two eggs and toast. 12盎司的橙汁、2个鸡蛋和烤面包 The crew is now in the gantry access arm, 目前宇航员们已经步入悬臂通道 where theyre preparing to enter the spacecraft. 准备进入太空舱 Were at T-minus 30 minutes. and counting. 现在距离发射还有最后的30分钟 This is Capricorn Control. 这里是摩羯星控制中心 Good morning, gentlemen. Good morning, Horace. 早上好,先生们 早上好,霍勒斯 Are we late? 我们来晚了吗? Traffic was terrible. 路上有点堵车 Well, I see youre all in good spirits. 看起来你们起色不错呀 Have you done the EDS test yet? Theyre almost completed. 系统检测完毕了吗? 基本上差不多了 Do you want us to enter? In a moment. 我们可以进去了吗? 请稍等 Whats up? 怎么了? Im not very good at things like this. 我不太擅长表达自己 Ive known you, especially Colonel Brubaker, for some time. 我们认识很久了,特别是布鲁贝克上校 What youre about to do today



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