Army of the Dead《活死人军团(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Army of the Dead《活死人军团(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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守门人 这里是母舰 Gatekeeper, this is Mothership. 四骑士已经出发 The Four Horsemen are on the gallop. 允许开门 重复 开门 You are a go to open the stable door. I repeat, open the stable door. 货物装载完毕 骑士已经出发 The payload is secure, and the Horsemen are en route. (禁区 禁止越界) 要把我拍得好看 Make sure I look cute. 过来 - Whoo! - Get in here. 拉斯维加斯 宝贝 Vegas, baby. 拉斯维加斯 Vegas! 冲吧 宝贝 Go, baby. Yeah. -我们做到了 -是的 - We did it! - Yeah. 我觉得只拍到了 “冲吧 宝贝” I think it went. Go, baby. 来吧 Lets go. Lets go. (拉斯维加斯 城界) (新婚) Whoo! -出发 -好 - Get out of here! - Yeah! 我爱生活 伙计们 I love life, bitches! 爱… Love, love, love… 你在干什么 坐进来 我感受得到 What are you doing? Get in here. I feel it! 知道我们运的是什么吗 Any idea what the hell were hauling? 为什么需要全副武装来保护 Why we need all this firepower to protect it? 什么都有可能 Could be anything from a briefcase nuke 可能是便携式核武器 也可能是宪法原稿 to the original copy of the Constitution 用国父鲜血写的那份 but the one written in the Founding Fathers blood. 行吧 或者是… Right. Or like, uh… 大脚怪 …Bigfoot. 我觉得更可能是拉之权杖的杖头 I was thinking more like headpiece to the Staff of Ra 或是阿梅莉亚埃尔哈特 不过是还活着的 or, uh, Amelia Earhart but alive. -反正知道的越少越好 -没错 -So, the less you know, the better. -True. 因为你先上后娶 我给你准备了一份小礼物 I got you a little present for making an honest woman out of me. 好的 什么 等等 你在说什么 Okay. What? Wait, what are you talking about? 棒 Oh, yeah. 好的 Okay. 来吧 好吧 Get in there. All right. 你有麻烦了 先生 You are in trouble now, mister. 好了 我知道了 All right, Ive got one. 会不会是本该留在月球上的登月器 How about the lunar lander that was supposedly left on the moon? 对 我喜欢天外来客方面的猜测 Yeah, I like the thematic extraterrestrial reference, 毕竟我们刚从那里出来 你懂的 seeing as were just coming from, uh… Well, you know. -你是说有可能 -什么可能 -So youre saying theres a chance. -Chance of what? 我们运的有可能是…你懂的 Chance were hauling a… Well, you know. 圣杯 The Holy Grail. 对 可能会是圣杯 Yeah, could be the Grail. 不一定真的是圣杯 Not the Grail Grail 但可能是类似圣杯的那种禁忌物 but the Holy Grail of things we shouldnt be hauling. 你非得让我说出来吗 Youre gonna just make me say it out loud? 我真的…你说得太隐晦了 I honestly dont… I mean, youre being cryptic.


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