Englands Reformation: Three Books That Changed A Nation《英格兰宗教改革:改变英伦的三本书(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Englands Reformation: Three Books That Changed A Nation《英格兰宗教改革:改变英伦的三本书(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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在这座深处英格兰心脏位置的教堂之中 In this quiet church in the heart of England 有个神奇的小东西 它承载着一本非凡的巨著供访客欣赏 theres a curious object that bears witness to a book so influential it 这本书将引领我们走入那宗教世界党同伐异的黑暗世纪之中 would help usher in centuries of religious intolerance. 1570年,伊丽莎白治下最位高权重的几个男人 In 1570, the most important men in Elizabethan England, 女王枢密院 the Queens Privy Council, 做了一个史无前例的决定 他们要将一份未知而可怕的作品 made an unprecedented decision to put an unknown and gruesome work 摆入国家的每一座教堂之中 into every church in the country. 那就是福克斯的著作 殉道史 This was Foxes Book of Martyrs. 该书形象记录了 A graphically illustrated catalogue of the violent deaths 当年被天主教残忍hearts;戕害的新教hearts;徒hearts; of Protestants killed by Catholics. 它还和其它两本16世纪的巨作 It joined two other 16th-century tomes 共同被摆放到了英国的每座教堂 already in every English church. 圣经和公祷书 The Bible and the Book Of Common Prayer. 16世纪晚期的人们对这诵经台上的 This lectern is an enduring testimony to the easy familiarity 著作熟悉的犹如家常便饭 that the common people of late 16th century England 而它也成了长久以来的印证 had with these books. 这个诵经台有四面可以放书 而不是一面 Instead of just one ledge to hold a Bible this has four sides, 这样两卷福克斯的殉道史 so it allowed the two volumes of Foxes Book Of Martyrs 就能和圣经和公祷书一起放在这 to sit alongside the Bible and the Book Of Common Prayer. 在英国历史上仅有屈指可数的几部巨作 In the history of England there were just a handful of works that have 真正改变过国民的灵魂 truly changed the soul of the nation. 这里放着的三部巨作就位居其中 These books chained here are three of them. 在本片我将讲述 In this film Im going to tell the remarkable story 威廉·廷代尔的圣经 of William Tyndales Bible, 托马斯·克兰麦的公祷书 Thomas Cranmers Book Of Common Prayer 约翰 福克斯的殉道史的非凡故事 and John Foxes Book Of Martyrs. 这些著作也许今天听来毫无争议 但是 They are titles that, today, dont sound controversial but in the 16世纪这些书的言论激发了反抗 16th century their words and phrases sparked revolts, 在国会被争论 were debated in Parliament, 最终这些书成为了英国人hearts;民hearts;长达4个世纪 and eventually became the backdrop to English life 的生活写照 for over four centuries. 人们为书生为之死 同样 Its the book that people live and die to, and for that matter, 为之


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