A Bride's Revenge《复仇新娘(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

A Bride's Revenge《复仇新娘(2019)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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是帕克小姐吗? Miss Parker? 据我所知 婚礼取消了 It was my understanding that the wedding was cancelled. 不 不 他会来的 他答应我了的 Oh, no. No, he'll be here. He promised. 复仇新娘 一 年 后 我的天 我找到了 Oh, my gosh. I found it. 这个裙子 This is the dress. 哦 真有你的 Oh, that is so you. 是这个吧 现代蕾丝 没有蝴蝶结 Right? Modern lace, no bows. 你穿这件会很漂亮 You'll look gorgeous in that. -谢谢 -好 现在去找 - Thank you. - Okay, now just find 一件伴娘礼服别让我看起来 a bridesmaid's dress that doesn't make me look like 像只带褶边鲸鱼 因为我打算 a frilly whale because I plan on finding -在你的婚礼上找个对象 -优雅 - a man at your wedding. - It will be classy 加性感 因为是你穿的嘛 and a little bit sexy, just for you. 我的天 你嘴真甜 Oh, my God. You're such a doll. 谢谢你 Thank you. 米亚 宝拉来做日光浴了 Miya, Paula's here for her spray tan. 你没事吧? You okay? 刚送来的邮件 This just came in the mail. 这是伊恩和洛丽婚礼的请柬 It's an invitation to Ian's wedding to Lori. 洛丽?哪个洛丽?伊恩的前女友 洛丽? Lori? The Lori? Ian's ex, Lori? 对 Yeah. 这也太扯了 That's got to be a joke, right? 搞不懂 可能闹着玩的吧 I don't know. Some joke. 听到这个消息我很难过 我很快就去接你 谢谢 你在哪? 眼前 -伊恩 我勒个去 -抱歉 - Ian, jeez! - Sorry. Sorry. -你没事吧? -还好 - Are you okay? - Yeah. 真是度日如年 It's just been a really long day. 我今天被邀请去参加一个婚礼 你的婚礼 和洛丽 I got invited to a wedding today--your wedding, with Lori. 得了吧 别拿我开玩笑了 Come on. You're kidding me. 我要能找到邀请函 And if I could find the invitation 肯定给你看 I would show you. 扯淡 一定是被人拿走了 This is crazy. Someone must have taken it. 其实一年前 It's like a year today 我和她本该结婚的 we were supposed to be married. 你认为是她寄的吗? Do you think she sent it? 她怎么知道我工作地址? How would she know where I work? 我从没见过她 I've never even met her. 她是个怪人 米亚 She's a wack job, Miya 而且她很会怀恨在心 and she's good at being spiteful. 棒棒哒 Great. 听着 我好几个月没有她的消息了 Look, I haven't heard from her in months. 最好的办法就是忽略它 Best thing to do is just ignore it. 再说了 现在是我们俩过日子 Besides, this is our time. 我要娶你 这让我 I get to marry you, and that makes me 成为世上最幸运的人 the luckiest guy on the planet. 另外 猜猜谁要升职 Plus, guess who's up for a promotion 为高级顾问了 for senior consultant. -真的? -没错 - Seriously? - Yeah. 那么问题来了 So the question is 我们是看两场电影还是三场呢 do we


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