初中英语_ I like music that I can dance to. (3a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_ I like music that I can dance to. (3a教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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Unit 5 I like music that I can dance to Section B 3a-4 教学设计 Learning Objectives: 1. Knowledge Objects: The sentences with the Attributive Clause. 2. Ability Objects (1)Use the sentences with the attributive Clause to express what they like or dislike. (2) Train the students’ communicative competence. 3. Moral Objects: Try to exchange the opinions on CDs with your friends. It will help you to know more about your friends. Teaching Procedures Step I Revision and word-learning (l)Words learning. Ask students to read the words after the teacher. Then memorize them for a few minutes. Complete the exercises on PPT. (2)Revise the relative clause with that by asking question what kind of music do you like? Get the students to answer, I like music that…I love music that…I prefer music that…First ask individually, then have the children ask their classmates around them. (3)Revise the relative clause with who by asking question What kind of music do you like? Get the students to answer, I like musicians that… I love music that… I prefer music that…or I prefer actors that… First ask individually in class, then let them practice in pairs. (4)Revise Does…like…? No, he doesn’t. He prefers…Ask questions with the real names of the students in our class. Let them ask each other similar questions in pair. Step Ⅱ Free Talk 1、. Show my favourite CD to the class and say, This is my favourite CD.Its name is Come on, Join us.I like it because I can do exercises with it.But I don’t like the beginning of it, too loud noise.It reminds me of my middle school time. 2. Give more examples on remind sb. of sth. / sb. , such as, He reminds me of his brother.This reminds us of what we often did when we were children.Tell the students that remind…of…means cause sb.to think of sth. 3. Write the four questions on the blackboard. (1)What’s the name of your favourite CD? (2)Why do you like this CD? (3)What do you dislike about this CD? (4)What does it remind you of? 4. Get them t



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