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血色月光 前情提要 Previously on moonlight... 我想要帮助人类 I want to help people. 这就是我做私hearts;人hearts;侦hearts;探hearts;的原因 Its why I became a P.I. 我若能帮助他人 或许就能掩饰我的本质 If I can help others,it might make up for what I am. 我这么做对吧? Have I got this right? 将木钉插入心脏 就能麻痹你 A stake in your heart will paralyze you. 这下我明白了-- 这就像你的小小监狱 是吗? I see it now--its like your own little prison,isnt it? 这套吸血鬼的东西? This whole vampire thing? 你不能邀请别人到你家来-- You cant have anybody poking around-- 女友 或是其他关心你的人 a girlfriend,anyone who cares. 噢 你的朋友-- 那个金发美女? oh,is that your friend--the blonde? 我是风评网的Beth Turner This is beth turner for buzzwire. 自从你遇见那家伙 一切都乱套了 since you met that guy,screwed up has started to seem normal. 请别看着我 Please dont look at me. 你到底是什么? what are you? 我是吸血鬼 Im a vampire. Beth beth. 我来--我来和你谈谈 关于 唔... Okay,Im here--Im here to talk to you about,um... 你 you. 进来说吧 Maybe you should come in. 我要你告诉我 我所看到的不是真的-- I really need you to tell me that I didnt see what I saw-- 我自认为看到的-- 那天晚上... what I think I saw-- the other night... 血 还有尖牙 the blood,the fangs. 我听见你说 I heard what you said. 我是吸血鬼 That Im a vampire. 我该怎么... How am I supposed... 就你一个 还是 嗯 还有其他吸血鬼? are--are you the only one,or,uh,are there other vampires? 在洛城就有上百个 A few hundred here in L.A. 人们怎能不知道你们的存在呢? How can people not know you exist? 我们异常小心谨慎 Were extremely careful. 有时人类看到些迹象 却忽略了 Sometimes people see things,but they dismiss it. 怎么可能? How can they? 或者说没人相信他们 Or no one believes them. 几千年来 人类一直在猎杀我们 People have been hunting us for thousands of years. 所以无人知晓我们的存在 这点至关重要 So its extremely important that no one knows we exist. 你明白吗? Do you understand? 所以你咬人的脖子 然后吸-- 吸血? So do you bite peoples necks and s-suck the blood out? 其实 我喝的血大多是从血库搞来的 Actually,I-I get most of my blood from the blood bank. 噢 Oh. 红十字会从未在文献中提及嘛 The red cross does not mention that in their literature. 我觉得他们不知道吧 I dont think they know. 你-- 你知道这有多疯狂吗? Do you--do you know how crazy this is? 我努力回想着 你所说的和我所见的 Im trying really hard to wrap my mind around what you just said and wha


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