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Previously on moonlight... [ 血色月光 ] 前情提要 I saw coraline last night. 我昨晚看见Coraline了 Coraline is dead. Coraline死了 You look just like someone i used to know. 你长得好像我认识的一个人 - Ex-girlfriend,maybe? - Ex-Wife. ﹣前女友么? ﹣前妻 Shes found a cure. 她找到解药了 There is no cure for vampirism,mick. Mick变成吸血鬼是不可能变回来的 One of these days youre gonna have to stop hating what you are. 总有一天 你不能再恨这样的自己 What could be the downside? 有什么不好? Missing all of the things that you once loved. 错过你曾经热爱的一切 Turn me. 转变我 Turn me. 转变我 If she is back,what does she want? 如果她回来了 那她想要什么? Shes back for mick. 她是为了Mick回来的 Shes been lying to us,stalking us. 她骗了我们 她跟踪我们 No! 不! Shes not a vampire! Shes human. 她不是吸血鬼!她是人 She has a cure. 她找到了解药 The object missed her heart but punctured her left lung and partially tore the pericardium. 木刺刺进了她的左肺 错过了心脏 心包膜部分撕裂 Is she going to live? 她不会死吧? Its a deep wound,and infection has already set in. 伤口很深 而且已经感染了 Thats our biggest concern right now-- 感染是目前最棘手的 That and a buildup of fluid around the heart. 还有心脏周围的体液淤积 You know,its a very unusual wound. 这种伤口不常见 I understand she told the that it was some sort of accident. 我听说她跟急救医生说这是意外 Do either of you know what happened? 你们俩知道是怎么回事儿么? No. We dont know what happened. 不知道 Well,all we can do now is monitor her. 我们只能先监控着 Ill let you know if theres any change. 有变化我会告诉你们 Thank you very much. 非常感谢 Why did she lie for me? 她为什么帮我撒谎? Why didnt she tell them i did it? 她干嘛不告诉他们是我hearts;干hearts;的? She wouldnt want the police involved. 她不想让警hearts;察hearts;卷进来 I cant believe i almost killed her. 天哪 我差点杀了她 I-i thought for sure she was a vampire. 我当时确信她是吸血鬼 You couldnt have known. 你不可能知道的 I didnt even know. 我都不知道 You still care for her,dont you? 你还很关心她吧? She was my wife. 她曾经是我妻子 You really think theres some kind of cure? 你真的认为有什么解药? Coraline was a vampire for 500 years. Coraline当吸血鬼当了500年 Now shes as human as you are. 现在她跟你一样是人 Something changed her back,and if she dies, 不知道是什么让她变回了人 如果她死了 Ill never know what that was... 我就永远都不知道到底是什么了… Or how s



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