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[ 月色月光 ] 前情提要… previously on moonlight... 昨晚我看到Coraline了 I saw coraline last night. 你很像我的一个熟人 You look just like someone I used to know. 前任女友吗? Ex-girlfriend,maybe? 我前妻 Ex-wife. Coraline已经死了 Coraline is dead. 你亲眼看见的 You saw her die with your own eyes. 我4岁时被绑hearts;架hearts; I was kidnapped when I was 4. 我不大记得了 I dont remember much. 有个男人救了我 他非常勇敢 But the man who rescued me-- he was fearless. 只要在他怀里 我就觉得安全 As long as I was in his arms,I knew I was safe. 我知道小时候是谁救了我了 I know who saved me when I was a little girl. 我找到自己的守护天使了 I found my guardian angel. 记忆有时会很脆弱… memories can be fragile... Mick! mick! Mick! Mick! 有时像耳语般易逝 Fleeting as a whisper one moment, 有时像尖叫般激越 powerful as a scream the next. 我找到证据了 I got the proof. 她一直在撒谎 跟踪我们 Shes been lying to us,stalking us. Morgan就是Coraline Morgan is coraline. ﹣我知道 ﹣你知道? - I know she is. - You know? 我一直回避过去… I spent so long hiding from my past... 嗨 Beth hi,beth. 无视那些耳语 Ignoring the whispers. 你怎么能这么做? how could you? 不是你想的那样 This is not what you think. 但我现在想起了一切 But I remember everything now. 现在我只听见尖叫 and the screams are the only thing I can hear. ﹣我收到你短hearts;信hearts;了 ﹣进来 - I got your message. - Get in. 不打算说说你在这干嘛? You want to tell me what youre doing here? 进来再说 Get in. 好 Okay. 好吧 okay. 你觉得这样很正常吗? Does this seem healthy to you? Morgan还真是个暴露狂 是吧? Morgans quite the exhibitionist,isnt she? 看到没?你马上被吸引了 see? That got your attention. 这个… Well... 给我讲讲她的事吧 so tell me about her. 谁? Who? 你前妻 Your ex-wife. 想知道些什么? What do you want to know? 我们时间多的是 你可以从头说起 Well,we got time,so why dont you start from the beginning? 她是怎么变成吸血鬼的? How did she become a vampire? Coraline18世纪早期在法国变成吸血鬼 Coraline was turned in the early 1700s in france. 她是个高级娼妇 She was a courtesan. 哦 原来是个妓hearts;女hearts; Oh,she was a hooker. 更像是那种宫廷显贵们的“朋友” No,more like a friend of the court. 她现在一招一式还留着呢 Shes still got the moves. Beth 这个人不是她 Beth,thats not her. 她床上工夫如何? Was the sex good? 你明白我在说什么吗? You understand that,right? 所以你跟她分分合合了33年 So you were on and off for,like,33 years. 你是因为性he


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