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血色月光前情提要... Previously on moonlight... 有没有考虑过当民间调查员? you ever think about becoming a civilian investigator? 我在风评网做过调查 但我不是条子 I did some investigating at buzz wire, but Im not a cop. 不必做条子 不过你得跟着我hearts;干hearts; You dont have to be, but you would have to work for me. Mick Beth 这位是Sara--Sara Whitley Mick, beth... this is sara--sara whitley. 她怎么了? whahappened to her? 他试图把她变成吸血鬼 He tried to turn her. 我让她喝我的血 但没用 I fed her my blood, but it didnt work. Josef 这么多年你始终坚信 吸血鬼跟人类不可能在一起 All these years, josef, you ranting about how it could never work between us and humans. 你还要在Beth身上努力么? You gonna try and make your thing with beth work? 孩子是正常人类感情中的必要环节 Children are a part of most normal human relationships. 我们的感情既非常规亦非人类 Our relationship being neither normal nor human. Josef说的对 吸血鬼没法要孩子 But josef was right. Vampires cant have kids. 当我差点就要有个家时 我才知道自己这么渴求能有一个家庭 I just didnt know how much I wanted a family until I almost had one. 家庭并不一定要靠血缘关系来维系 Familys not only about D.N.A. 今夜Josef Kostan是Hearst大学的贵宾 Tonight hearst college honors josef kostan, 他慷慨解囊 以纪念Sara Whitley之名 捐资兴建了 whose generous donation has made possible the sara whitley memorial sports arena, Hearst大学野蛮骑士篮球队的 新主场体育馆 the new home of the hearst college rough riders basketball team! 为纪念这一善举 我们将 为一位年轻人举hearts;行hearts;球衣退役仪式 to commemorate this event, were retiring the jersey of the young man 去年 他曾带领篮球队打入全国锦标赛 who led our team to the national championship last year. 如今他已是职业球员 但他永远是Hearst人的最爱 He may have gone to the pros, but hell always be hearsts favorite son. 女生们先生们 24号hearts; Dominic Michaels! ladies and gentlemen-- number 24--dominic michaels! Josef Kostan以慈善企业家身份得到颂扬? josefostan celebrated as a civic-minded entrepreneur? 身上这套礼服绝对没白穿 Definitely worth putting on the monkey suit for. 当然还有其他好处 And of course, there are the fringe benefits. 和Beth共度今夜 ********* 太好玩儿了 我好像回到了高中舞会 this is great. I feel like Im back at my high school prom. 话说1700年的时候 舞会也不是特流行... You know, prom wasnt really big back in the 1700s... 更别提高中了 high sc


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