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[ 血色月光 ] 前情提要… Previously on moonlight... 我想帮助别人 I wanna help people. 所以成了私hearts;家hearts;侦hearts;探hearts; Thats why I became a P.I. 22年前 我接了一起案子 它永远地改变了我的命运 22 years ago,I took a case that changed my life forever. 有人带走了我女儿 someone took my daughter. 一切都会好起来的 Everythings gonna be all right. 你不能这么做 Youre not gonna do this. 这么多年来 我总在她左右 万一她需要我 over the years,I tried to stay close,in case she needed me. 我们合作得真棒 We make a good team. Beth不记得那时的我 是我救了她 Beth doesnt remember me from back then,and Im the one who rescued her. 你结婚了? were you married? 她死了 Shes dead. 怎么发生的? How did that happen? 你不知道 对吧? You dont know,do you? 我中枪了 I get shot. 职业病 Occupational hazard. 即便我不用担心铅中毒 And even though I dont ha tveo worry about lead poisoning, 也得做些护理工作 there is maintenance to be done. 除了银铅弹 把子弹留在体内 吸血鬼们也不会在乎 Aside from silver buckshot,vampires can actually just leave a bullet in. 子弹 榴散弹 都没关系 Bullets,shrapnel-- it doesnt matter. 但总得躲过金属探测器 But try getting through a metal detector with that in you. 我们的皮肤重生得…很完美 Our skin reforms-- perfect. 完美无痕 Clean slate. 可旧的伤口 有时依然作痛 But those old wounds-- they still ache sometimes. 互联网独家新闻“风评网”是五家之一… in an internet news exclusive,buzzwire is one of only five... 每当出了问题 你们人类有自己的反应机制 you humans have your own coping mechanisms when something goes wrong. 有人无法释怀 有人起了报复心… Some of you obsess,some become vengeful... 魅力超凡的邪教领袖和大屠hearts;杀hearts;凶手 Donovan Shepherd在死囚区呆了很久 charismatic cult leader and mass murderer donovan shepherds long stay on death row 20分钟后终于将被处决… comes to an end in just 20 minutes... 当然 有些人将事情置之度外 and of course,some of you block the whole thing out. 官方曾希望死刑在午夜执行 Officials had hoped that staging the execution at midnight 可以减少死刑反对者的冲突人数 would reduce the number of clashing death penalty protestors-- 更重要的是 减少 Sheperd所谓的“家人”的人数 more importantly,the number of what shepherd calls his family. 地方检察官Quinlan 你是否觉得今晚正义得到了伸张? D.A.Quinlan,do you feel that justice is being served tonight? 当然 Absolutely. 这个人毁掉了很多生命 This man ruined a lot of lives. 但愿他的死能算个了结 H


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