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我不想吃 I dont want it. 雷芙 你必须得吃点儿 River, you have to eat. 味道还不错 有点像... Its good. It tastes like... -还行 -一股子那玩意的味 -Its good. -It smells like crotch. -詹 -怎么 本来就是么 -Jayne! -Well, it does. 我们根本没必要 去什么特别的地方 We dont even have to go someplace fancy. 只要去个公园什么的 喂喂鸽子就好了 We can just go to the park or something. Feed the pigeons. 喂鸽子 说不定遇到个在执行任务的军事班 Sure. Feed the pigeons...probably get the firing squad for littering. -拜托 没那么倒霉吧 -会的 这里可是中hearts;央hearts;星球 -Come on. Its not that bad. -It is. Its a core planet. 不能胡来 有监视器和联邦警hearts;察hearts; Its spotless. Its got sensors, and theres Feds. 所有的中hearts;央hearts;星球都这样啦 All central planets are the same. 给我老婆说说那些 她会错过的趣事吧? Could you please tell my wife the fun shes missing out on? 阿里尔真的是个好地方 Ariels quite a nice place, actually. 有好些漂亮的博物馆 更别说... There are some beautiful museums, not to mention... 还有味道最好的餐馆 some of the finest restaurants in the core. 但是一点也不无聊 听她的声音有多愉悦 But...not boring, like she made it sound. 可以... Theres a, uh... -可以散步 -没错 -Theres hiking. -Yeah. 还可以在 带有生物照明的池中游泳 And you can go swimming in a bio-luminescent lake. 我才不在乎是不是24小时都没太阳 I dont care if its got sunsets 24 hours a day. 反正我是不会 踏上那颗星球的 I aint setting foot on that planet. 谁都不能去那颗星球 No one is setting foot on that fancy rock. 我不许任何人离船 I dont want anyone leaving the ship. 听好 谁都不准从窗户观景或是大声喧哗 Come to think of it,I dont want anyone looking out the windows or talking aloud. 我们来这是让依娜拉下船 仅此而已 Were here to drop off Inara. Thats it. 不能下船的话 我到这来干吗? Whats the point of coming to the core if I cant even step off the boat? 你可以在浴门修道院和牧师一起下船 You could have got off with Shepherd Book at the Bathgate Abbey. 现在就开始幻想石头花hearts;园hearts;的美景好了 Couldve been meditating on the wonders of your rock garden by now. 就这么坐着好无聊 Well, it beats just sitting. 不过是坐着而已 It is just sitting. 那你打算在那边呆多久? So how long are you gonna be planet-side? 超不过一两天吧 Shouldnt be more than a day or two. 兴师动众的 就为了更新你的魅姬执照 Big stop just to renew your license to Companion. 我能


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