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血色月光 前情回顾... Previously on moonlight... 我想要帮助人类 I wanna help people. 所以做了私hearts;人hearts;侦hearts;探hearts; Its why i became a p.i. 那天我听到你讲的话了 I heard what you said. 我是吸血鬼 That im a vampire. 这么说 你咬开人们的脖子 吸血? So do you bite peoples necks and suck the blood out? 事实上 我-- 我喝的血多数来自血库 Actually,i-i get most of my blood from the blood bank. 那白天你怎么办? What about daylight? 我害怕白天 过久的阳光直射会要了我的命 Daylights not good,but the longer im in the sun,the worse i feel. 会很危险的 Beth Its gonna get dangerous,beth. 有你在身边我很安心 Then its a good thing i got you around. 1952年 我的妻子Coraline 将我强行变成了吸血鬼 My wife turned me on our wedding night. 你是我第一个告诉的人类 Youre the first human that ive told any of this to. 所以 是的 我相信你 So,yeah,i trust you. 如果你需要以此来保命 what do you do when the one thing you need to save your life... 而此事却是你生命无法承受之重 你会怎么做? Is the one thing that would make life unbearable? 你也许会奇怪我这样的人 怎么会差点死在无名的小旅馆里 youre probably wondering how someone like me ends up near death in no-star motel hell. 难以置信的事就发生在昨天 Hard to believe it started just yesterday. 21小时前 21 HOURS EARLIER 对吸血鬼和人类来说 血即生命 Blood is life for vamps and humans alike. 血给我们温暖 让我们兴奋 给我们疗伤 It warms us and thrills us,helps us heal, 但吸血鬼总是嫉妒人类 But vamps will always be jealous of the living, 就像佃户嫉妒地主一样 Like renters versus owners. 你们人类自己可以造血 You can make your own blood. 我们却得乞求 借讨 或者藏着点吃 Weve got to beg,borrow or work it into the budget. 军hearts;火hearts;商Amir Fayed谋杀案的 审判第16天 没有惊喜 Day 16 of the murder trial of arms dealer amir fayed brought few surprises 对公诉人Joshua Lindsey来说 也没有实质的进展 And no real progress for prosecutor joshua lindsey. Fayed因涉嫌谋杀Jack Toland被起诉 Fayed is accused of murdering jack toland, 最近发现 他的一个同党是警方的内奸 An associate who was later revealed to be a police informant. 因为去年秋天联邦级敲诈案的失利 副检察官Lindsey说 Since the federal racketeering case fell apart last fall,deputy d.a.Lindsey says that 这起凶案审判也许是把这个 恶人绳之以法的最后机会 this murder trial may be the last chance to bring this monster to justice, 但辩方已为Fayed牢牢树立了社交家 But the defense has painted a solid picture of


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