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血色月光 前情提要... Previously on moonlight... 我想要帮助人类 I wanna help people. 所以做了私hearts;家hearts;侦hearts;探hearts; Its why I became a P.I. 那天我听了你讲的话 I heard what you said. 我是吸血鬼 That Im a vampire. 自从上次焚尸炉和木棒插心事件以来 after last time, what with the incinerating... And the stakes in the heart, 我都不确定还能否再见到你 I wasnt sure if I was gonna see you again. 这确实需要一个过程 It was a lot to process. 有些人可能并非注定在一起 Some people just arent meant to be together. Beth有男朋友 而且 Beth has a very real boyfriend, 经过我前妻Coralin事件... 我就自然有了信任障碍 and after my ex-wife coraline, its hard for me to trust someone again. 我知道 我们一开头不是很合得来 I know we didnt exactly get off on the right foot, 但我从Beth那里听到她夸你好 but Ive heard good things from beth. 很高兴 她还夸我 Im glad the buzz is good. 她还说在你身边 就不会厌倦 she also said its never boring around you. 吸血鬼可以经受日照 但太多的阳光直射会置我们于死地 Vampires can be in the daylight, but too much of it will kill us, 吸血鬼的生存本能很简单 如果你快死了 你就得喝血 and our survival instincts are simple. If youre dying, you need blood. 不 不能是你的 不能这样 No, not yours! Not like this! 如果受不了了 你就叫停 At some point, you have to stop me. 是吧 Rosin医生说没事 就一定不会有事的 There. If dr. Rosin says its okay, its okay. - 感觉好点儿了吗? - 我之前就很好啊 - Feel better now? - I felt fine before. 我感觉好多了 Well, I feel better. 真是个奇怪的伤口 我是说 两个奇怪的伤口 That is one weird cut. I mean, two. 那真是太疯狂 不是吗? 在沙漠里 It was pretty crazy out there in the desert, wasnt it? 是啊 有点吧 Yeah, a little. 真奇怪 Mick从那之后就没来看过你 至少也该看看你是否没事 Its strange that mick hasnt even stopped by since,at least to see how you are. 我没事 Im fine. 只是 有段时间 我们好像一开门就能看到他 Its just, for a while,it was like he was there every time we opened the door, 现在却突然消失了 and now he sort of disappeared. 不会是因为我说了什么吧? It wasnt something i said, was it? 抱歉 你刚刚说什么来着? sorry. What? 要说过去85年来我学到些什么 那就是...你想要的... If Ive learned anything in 89 years, its that what you want... 小心 watch it. 并不总是那么重要 doesnt always matter. 对不起 Sorry. 你可以想从这里到那边 You can want to get from here to there. 你可以期望准时 You can want to be on time. 你期望为了某人着想 而故意避开她 You can want to avoid someone for th


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