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The present work was aimed at optimization of medium components, which have been found to play a very important role in enhancing the sporulation of fungus (Larroche 1996; Ooijkas et al. 1999), with the aid of RSM. In the preliminary step of optimization, six carbon sources, five inorganic nitrogen sources and six organic nitrogen sources were evaluated to determine optimal carbon and nitrogen source. T hen, a Plackett–Burman design was used to identify which components of the media had significant effects on spore production. Subsequently, a central composite design was employed to optimize the factors, which had significant influence on spore production. The results were analyzed by response surface analysis. 第九十四页,共152页。 二、正文的写法 根据文章内容的需要采用各种不同的写作方式展开论述。 可以是论证某一命题、观点、假设, 或描述某一实验方法、过程、结果, 或说明某事物的特点、功能、规律等。 第九十五页,共152页。 类型一:从实验得出结论,并加以讨论。 往往是根据目的,设计并做实验,对方法、材料、过程、结果加以描述和讨论,论证是否达到目的。 类型二:对已有模型或公式,验证它们的正确性。 第九十六页,共152页。 (1)定义和描述 描述一些物体的外观、结构、原理、过程。 定义的写法按结构可分为一般定义、特指定义和扩展定义。 第九十七页,共152页。 一般定义(general defination):一则完整的定义包括术语(term)、动词、类别(class)差别(distinguishing characteristics) 第九十八页,共152页。 方式1:被下定义的事物(name)+动词+类别(class,n.)+特征(characteristics) Nutrition is the science that deals with the effects of food on the body, or the way the body uses food for optimal health. An enzyme is a protein, which can increase the efficiency of a biochemical reaction and is generally specific for that reaction. 第九十九页,共152页。 方式2:类别(class)+特征(characteristics)+动词+事物(name) The process, through which water is lost from a plant primarily in the form of vapor, is known as transpiration(蒸腾作用). 第一百页,共152页。 特指定义:下定义时关注的是特定的种类。如化合物中的某种特别的化合物,溶液中某种特别的溶液等。 [T(修饰语+名词)]+is/are+类别+特征 Inorganic compounds are compounds not forming the substance of living bodies. A supersaturated solution is a solution which contains more solute than is required to saturate it. 第一百零一页,共152页。 扩展定义:定语可以是一句,也可以用两个或更多的句子表明定义扩展。 扩展定义可用举例、对比等手法加以补充说明,更好地说明事物。 一般先指出“某某就是…”,然后在此基础上进行扩展。 Photosynthesis,
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