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中英文固定期限劳动合同文本 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 有限公司 XXXXXXXXX Machinery Co., Ltd. 劳动合同书 Labor Contract 甲方Party A:乙方Party B: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 文化程度Education: 法定代表人member as of Right 出生日期Date of Birth:年月日或托付代理人or Authorized person :居民身份证号码ID No.: 甲方地址Address:家庭住址Address: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 所属街道办事处registered region: 依据《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》、《山东省劳动合同条例》,甲乙双方经公平协商同意,自愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同所列条款。 According to P eople’s Republic of CHINA Labor Law,People’s Republic of CHINA Labor Contract Law and Province Labor Contract Regulation, party A and party B are willing to sign the contract on the basis of fair discussion and agreement and comply with it. 一、劳动合同期限Contract Period 第一条本合同期限类型为固定期限合同。〔依据劳动法可签订固定期限合同,或无固定期限合同〕 This contract is fixed period contract.(According to Labor Law there could be fixed or non-fixed period labor contract). 合同日期自年月日起截至到年月日止, 其中年月日至年月日为试用期。 This contract period is from to , including probation period from to . 二、工作内容Work Contents 其次条乙方同意依据甲方工作需要,担当指定的岗位〔工种〕工作,以及其他由甲方指定的兼职工作和临时工作。工作地点为:XX市XX区XXXXX路1号。 Party B is willing to work as according Party A’s requirement s and other part-time and temporary work required by Party A. Work place: No.1 Wild Road, Development Zone, Rizhao. 第三条乙方必需根据甲方的合法要求,按时完成规定的工作数量,到达规定的质量标准。 Party B should fulfill all the work in time and by quality standard according to Party A’s legal requirements. 三、劳动爱护、劳动条件、工作时间和休假Work Protection, Condition, Time and Leaves 第四条甲方支配乙方执行8小时/日工作制,甲方依法保证乙方的休息权利。乙方在劳动合同履行期间依法享受法定节假日以及探亲假、婚丧假、产假、带薪年假等休假 权利。 甲方支配乙方每日工作时间不超过8小时,每周工作5天,平均每周不超过40 小时。甲方保证乙方每周休息二天。因特别缘由需要延长工作时间的,在保障乙 方身体安康的条件下,甲乙双方友好协商执行,原那么上每月不超过24小时。 There are 8 working hours per Day. Party A promises rest time to Party B according to the laws. Party B has the right to enjoy the legal vacation, home leave, marriage and mourning leave, maternity leave and legal paid vacation, etc. Party A arranges Party B to work maximum 8 hours per day and 5 days every week, and the average work hours per week should be not more than 40 hours. Party A gives Party B 2 days


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